Thursday, September 26, 2019

#8 The Impact of Christ-like Living

   Billy Graham: The world may argue against Christianity as an institution, but there is no convincing argument against a person who through the Spirit of God has been made Christlike.

   Such a one is a living rebuke to the selfishness, rationalism, and materialism of the day. Too often we have debated with the world on the letter of the law when we should have been living oracles of God, seen and read of all people. (Google image, Grateful ) [Great article on the origin of Thanksgiving!]

   It is time that we retrace our steps to the source and realize afresh the transforming power of Jesus Christ.

   Jesus said to the woman at Jacob's well: "Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst" (John 4:14). This sin-sick, disillusionment was our disillusionment! Her sin was our sin! 

   But her Savior can be our Savior! Her forgiveness can be our forgiveness! Her joy can be our joy!

An Invitation To A Journey

   I invite you to go with me on a thrilling, adventuresome journey. The object of our search? The secret of happiness. The place? Galilee! Let us roll back the pages of time almost two thousand years.

   It's a hot, sultry day with the sweltering wind spinning little dust whirls and carrying them swiftly down the winding road by the Sea of Galilee. There is an air of expectancy in the atmosphere we breathe.

   The wind skips happily across the surface of the ancient sea.
We hear voices raised in an excited, feverish pitch as friend calls a greeting to friend. Along every trail leading to Galilee, little groups of people begin to gather. The word has spread abroad that Jesus is returning to Galilee.

   Suddenly He and His little band of followers emerge over the brow of a hill on the road to Capernaum, and immediately in their wake follows a vast multitude of people from Galilee, Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea, and from beyond the Jordan River.

   Quickly the word spreads from mouth to mouth:"Jesus is coming!" Other multitudes from Tiberias, Bethsaida, and Capernaum soon appear and join the others.

   Together they follow thirteen robed men. As they reach the summit of the hill where the gentle winds from the plains sweep over them, affording relief from the sun, Jesus stops and motions for them to sit down and rest.

   The air is tense. It is a moment to be captured and held for eternity. The crowd hushes as Jesus climbs atop a large rock and is seated. In the valley on the deserted road, a lone camel rider wends his way along the trail toward Tiberias. A quiet falls upon the multitude as their faces gaze expectantly at Jesus. Then He begins to speak.
   What He said there on that Mount of Beatitudes in faraway Palestine was to go down in history as the most profound, sublime words ever spoken!

   There in reverent, measured, simple words, He revealed the secret of happiness—not a superficial happiness of time and space, but happiness which would last forever.

   His first word was happy. Immediately His listeners must have pricked up their ears, as we are prone to do. In the pages to follow, * it is my prayer that you will do even more: prick up your ears . . . open your heart . . .  surrender your will. 

   Then you will begin living life with a capital L, find a contentment and joy that crowd the futility and vanity out of the daily walk, and discover the secret of happiness!
(Chapter one pp. 13-15)
(* in further chapters of Mr. Graham's book: 

By Billy Graham
Click on title to purchase

Copy right 2011 by Billy Graham
Used by permission of
Thomas Nelson
[to only use information from 
the first chapter, with a donation]

Let's pray-

   Father, it's true that the world argues against the validity of Christianity as an institution, but when there are people who through Your Spirit have been made Christlike, arguments are made void.
   Such a person is a living rebuke to the selfishness, rationalism and materialism of our day. Believers need to be living oracles of our Savior, to be seen and read by those around them.
   As we read Christ's simple words in the Beatitudes, given in  faraway Palestine, we see that He revealed the secret of true happiness, which He promises will last forever.
   May we tune in on His words of wisdom with believing, trusting hearts! In Christ's name we pray. Amen

10 more of 80 things our


Greater in Us Than He That is in the World   1 John. 4:4
Unto Us Wisdom, Sanctification & Redemption   2 Cor. 1:30
For Us   Rom. 8:31
Never Leave Us or Forsaking Us   Heb. 13:5
Always Leading Us in Triumph in Christ   2 Cor. 2:14
Faithful Over His House   Heb. 3:1-6
Ruler of the kings of the Earth   Rev. 1:5
Our Lord & Our God   John 20:28
Our Life   John 11:25-26
Our Savior   Luke 2:11

Today's Bible verses-  

Psalm 23

1. "You, LORD, are my shepherd.
   I will never by in need.
2. You let me rest in fields
   of green grass.
You lead me to streams
of peaceful water,
 3.  and you refresh my life.

You are true to your name,
and you lead me
   along the right paths.
4. I may walk through valleys
as dark as death,
   but I won't be afraid.
You are with me,
and your shepherd's rod
   makes me feel safe.

5. You treat me to a feast,
   while my enemies watch.
You honor me as your guest,
   and you fill my cup
   until it overflows.
6. Your kindness and love
will always be with me
   each day of my life, 
and I will live forever 
   in your house, LORD." 
(Contemporary English Version)

Today's guest post-

~ Nancy Demary- "May I admonish you to become a disciple if you are not one yet? This will not happen by default. Begin by reading the Word of God daily and asking the Holy Spirit to teach you from the Scripture. Become engaged in a fellowship of believer’s where Truth is not hindered. 
   No church offers everything, so find one that has something solid you can embrace and carry on with the ministry of reconciliation to those around you (2 Corinthians 5:18). Those called to ministry are there to equip you to DO the work of the ministry" (Ephesians 4:11-12).

(Taken from her blog post, Disciples - Are You One?

Words of wisdom-

Wow! Jesus rejoices over us with singing! He promises to always be with us, and delight in us! 

Jesus can add sparkle to our days, even the darkest of days. Our minds need to be focused on Him, so He can  provide Light for our path.

Today's marriage info post-

50 Reasons Why We're Still Kissing 49 Years Later
By Elaine W. Miller

Meet Elaine
"We didn't get it right all of the time. In fact, if you read my books, you'll understand there were times we almost threw our marriage away. I'm so glad we remained true to the vows we spoke through our happy tears forty-nine years ago. When the hurting tears came, our vows to God and to each other were the glue keeping our frayed marriage together."

List of recent sermons of CFC ministersCFC Potsdam NY church has a live service at 10 am Sunday's for shut-ins. If for some reason you can't make it to the church you usually attend, click on the above link, and still get fed!

Jean's blog (Click to see snippets of the 7 recent posts)
(Check top of page for other links)
Helpful ways the Lord helped me in my marriage

Upcoming posts-

          On What Do We Depend?
28th- Saturday's post by Lee Forbes

     #1 Preface of "Living to Please God"
10/1st- Tuesday's post by Andrew Murray

     #2 The Spirit of Devotion
3rd- Thursday's post by Andrew Murray

          10 Prayers God Always Answers
5th- Saturday's post by Carrie Lowrance

Late summer/early fall bouquet



  1. You bless so many people. You bless me. May our Lord use our writing to bring others to Him. Thanks for the marriage encouragement.

  2. I explained my belief in Jesus Christ to my Jewish friend. She was very respectful, but admitted she did not believe what I was saying. I told her, "You may not believe my words, but you cannot deny the peace in my heart since surrendering my life to Christ." She has never denied that peace which has never left for the 39 years I've been a believer in Jesus. Even dealing with cancer, God gives me peace that passes all understanding.

    1. Check out my blog on the 10th, as it gives a link that maybe your friend would watch on, "Why God doesn't save everyone."
