Saturday, June 16, 2012


"God has a very specific plan just for men. 

God's plan is what He created you specifically to be, how He wants to fully develop you into someone that brings honor to Him, someone that puts Him first in all things. 

God created you with something very special in mind, and once you arrive at the destiny God has for you, His perfect order will flood your home."

(The following excerpts are taken from Matthew Hagee's article GOD'S PLAN FOR MAN, found  in the May/June issue of JHM MAGAZINE, pgs 26,27.)

"Your family is one of your most precious assets. 

God places a high premium on the value found inside the walls of your home. Why? The family represents Christ's relationship with the Church, how God passes along generational blessings. 

The role of the father is immensely important within the family structure  If your father didn't treat you with kindness or pray blessings over you, today is your lucky day! 

You can break that chain and start speaking good things over your children. It all starts with you."

"Love your wife as Christ loved the church." This means if you are not submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, you can't expect your wife to submit to you. 

Your wife wants to follow a leader, not a parked car. The head of every man is Christ. When Christ becomes the Lord and ruler of your life, your wife will be excited about following you."

"Love never fails. Jesus hanging on the cross was the perfect portrait of God's love for us. He loved us so much that He gave His only son to die for us [John 3:16].

 He has a perfect plan carved out, custom-made just for you.

 Step up and be the man, the husband, the father He has called you to be. Act like the king of our home that serves the King of Kings, so that when the trumpet sounds you can present yourself before him without spot or wrinkle."

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service."  Rom. 12:1

Today’s 9th truth: If you are “born again”, you are redeemed from the curse of the Law.  Gal. 3:13

Tomorrow's post: WHAT IF JESUS WERE IN THE BOAT WITH YOU?  This is also posted as I Need Rest, by Gwen Smith


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