Friday, July 13, 2012

Why is it So Difficult?

"We are bringing you good news, telling you to turn from these worthless things to the living God, who made heaven and earth and sea and everything in them. In the past, He let all nations go their own way. Yet He has not left Himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; He provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy." Even with these words, they had difficulty keeping the crowd from sacrificing to them."   (Acts 14:15b-18)

"It is always amazing to me when I meet someone who takes a great pleasure and joy in nature, yet who refuses to acknowledge the authorship of God. The artistry of a sunset, the delicate balance of an eco-system, the intricacy in the function of human eyesight, all appreciated and testify to 'divine design.' Yet instead, credit is given to evolution, or survival of the fittest, or one of the myriad of other ridiculous explanations.

How many times do you think it would it take to drop 2,500 letters of the alphabet before they would finally organize themselves into these words, in the exact sequence of the devotion you are now reading? If so-called scientists were to answer that question, they would say it was possible given enough chances.

I consider that answer absurd. You could drop letters forever, and they would never form into this devotional. Why? Because the odds are the same every time you drop the letters, one in ten million, one in six billion or a thousand trillion, it doesn't matter because it is impossible to prove or disprove. Therein lies the beauty of the lie: despite the fact it is harder to believe in random letter dropping than the existence of someone who actually wrote this devotion, the mere possibility (no matter how foolish) allows for the alternative explanation.

So if it's harder to believe in randomness than divine design why is it so difficult for some people to believe in God? I think the answer is one word: accountability. If there is a God who designed everything including me, then He might have some authority over me and expectations of how I live my life. There might be a higher standard that I need to adhere to, and there might be an accounting for the way I've lived.

The Lycaonian's from our passage today had a similar choice: continue on in the error of their prior beliefs or acknowledge the witness of Paul and Barnabas through the healing of the man crippled in his feet, and further supported by the Lord who "has not left Himself without testimony." What do you think the Lycaonians choose?

Questions to Ponder:

Sometimes it's hard to relate to the worship of Hermes or Zeus or animal sacrifice to gods, but are we any different? Rather than worship the Creator, we worship ourselves and our own intellect. We find comfort in our silly explanations for the origins of life and teach it as fact in our schools.

We allow this charade to continue because modern man doesn't want to acknowledge any power greater than his own. In many ways the Lycaonians were far more advanced than we are at least they acknowledged a power greater than their own (even if it was the wrong one). What is the power in your life? Is it Jesus? How will you acknowledge His work in the world today? How will you honor Him as your creator?"

Thoughts for Today from Pocket Devotions of Pocket Teastament League

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones." (Prov. 3:5-8)

"In the open book of nature faith remains unmoved
Patterns of the Master-Builder by each fact are proved;
So with reverent hearts we ponder all the grand design
Of the universe around us, wrought by hands divine. Peterson

In God's pattern book of nature
we can trace many valuable lessons."

July 13, 2012

Today’s 36th truth: If you are “born again”, you are a laborer together w/ God. (1 Cor. 3:9)
Today's thought:  When Jesus is in the house, get ready for a change! Something's going to happen!

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Tonight's post: What Hardships do You Have to Go Through?
Tomorrow's post:  Sealed!

Tomorrow night's post:  Being Who You Are

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