Friday, December 1, 2023


Jennifer Venson Schuldt- "The air smelled of leather and oats as we stood in the barn where my friend Michelle was teaching my daughter to ride a horse. Michelle's white pony opened its mouth as she demonstrated how to place the bit behind its teeth. (Google image, White pony)

   As she pulled the bridle over its ears, Michelle explained that the bit was important because it allowed the rider to slow the horse and steer it to the left or right.

   A horse's bit, like the human tongue, is small but important. Both have a great influence over something big and powerful—for the bit, it's the horse. For the tongue, it's our words (James 3:3,5).

   Our words can run in different directions. 'With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings' (v. 9). Unfortunately, the Bible warns that it's very hard to control our speech because words spring from our hearts (See Luke 6:45).

   Thankfully, God's Spirit, who indwells every believer, helps us grow in patience, goodness, and self-conrol (See Gal. 5:22-23). As we cooperate with the Spirit, our hearts change and so do our words. Profanity turns to praise. Lying gives way to truth. Criticism transforms into encouragement.

   Taming the tongue isn't just about training ourselves to say the right things. It's about accepting the Holy Spirit's guidance so that our words generate the kindness and encouragement our world needs." (ODB 9/9/23)

Let's pray-

      Father, t
he human tongue, like the pony's, is small and important. We have great influence with our words over small or big decisions and behavior. It is true, but very hard sometimes for us to control our speech, as it springs from our hearts. 

     As Christians, we have the Spirit of Jesus living within us to help us grow in patience, goodness and in self-control. As we cooperate with His Spirit, our hearts change, and so do our words. Profanity turns to praise and lying gives way to truth. Criticism transforms into encouragement!

     We need Your empowering to be willing to be obedient to Your direction in our lives. In Jesus' name, we pray for this. Amen   

#13 Testimony- Kim

“My testimony is that God has miraculously sustained me from one difficult health issue to another. From breast cancer, to spinal cord tumors, to necrotizing granulomas in my lungs, to ulcerative colitis. The Lord has removed all fear, (completely and totally all) from my heart, mind and spirit. He has used inept medical systems and wrong diagnosis and debilitating medication to humble me and cement my trust in His glorious help and sustaining power.

   Some may long for and feel the need for a testimony of total healing, and to be honest, I believe one day (on earth or in eternity), I will have this. But just as the disciple who asked Jesus who sinned, that the healed person had suffered all their life? Jesus answered my heart, ‘This disease was to the praise of God’s glory.’

   It may seem strange, but to have total peace and joy and strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, in the midst of physical suffering, brings the glory of God into a unique spotlight. If He can be trusted in this, He can be trusted in all things. And for that, I'm humbly and deeply grateful."


Recommended Reading:
Prayer Power Unlimited  by J. Oswald Sanders

   "The supreme importance of prayer is tacitly admitted by most evangelical Christians. It is accepted as an aricle of faith. And yet there are few areas of the Christian life in which there are more regretful confessioins of failure and disappointment.
   These chapters are the outcome of a series of studies on prayer delivered to a local congregation. It's maximum value will be gained if the lessons are studied one at a time and put into practice in daily prayers." 

1091-1095 One-line Scriptures for those of you who want to learn some more verses this week- or to review them from when they were first posted- 
1091- Heb. 12:2a "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith."

1092- Ps. 31:15a "My times are in thy hand."

1093- Ps. 63:5b "My mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips."

1094- 1 Cor. 14:33a "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace."

1095- Ps. 31:23a "O love the LORD, all ye his saints: for the LORD preserveth the faithful."

#13 hymn- In the Garden

This song, In the Garden, is taken from the book by Robert J. MorganTHEN SINGS MY SOUL  (pg. 271)

C. Austin Miles was a pharmacist who began writing gospel songs and eventually became an editor of hymnals and songbooks. In March, 1912, while waiting for some film to develop. he opened his Bible. He had a vision, which seemed to be the entrance of a garden. Under the inspiration of the vision, he wrote as quickly as the words would be formed, this poem exactly as it has since appeared. That same evening he wrote the music.

 Some encouraging words-

Here's a thought to encourage us: When we listen to wise counsel, we're to learn from corrections, so that by the end of our lives, we will be known for our wisdom!

Upcoming posts: 

9th- EXTREME KINDNESS- Arthur Jackson


23rd- FAITH IN THE PROMISE GIVER- Charles H. Spurgeon


The North Country Christian Fellowship Center Churches,

located in the St. Lawrence county of NY,

broadcast their Sunday services at 10 or 10:15

You can view past services too.

Sermon listing: 

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