Saturday, June 15, 2024




~ Mary Southerland- When a company takes over another company, there is often a sign displayed that reads "Under New Management." When we invite Christ to take over our lives, we place ourselves under new management, the management of Jesus Christ. He is a benevollent manager. He manages our lives from a heart of love.

   "The LORD has declared today that you are his people, his own special treasures, just as he promised, and that you must obey all his commands" (Deuteronomy 26:18 NLT).

   Under His loving and patient direction, His plan for our lives will emerge as we yield to Him. It is a wonderful plan. It is the best plan, the highest plan designed by the One who created us, knows us best, and loves us most.

   The plan is useless, however, unless we make the choice to follow it daily. God will not force us to follow the plan. He is not a dictator, but a loving Father. Our choice to obey will guarantee contentment because when we choose obedience we step under the umbrella of His protection, power, and purpose.

   God sees what we cannot see. He knows what lies ahead. His Word is the instruction manual for life, the road map for the journey, the customized blueprint by which we build and grow. If you want to obey God, you must saturate your life with His Word. That means hearing it, receiving it, learning it, seeing it, and doing it.

   James urges us to remember that the message God has planted in our hearts "is a message to obey, not just to listen to. If you don't obey, you are only fooling yourself" (James 1:22 NLT).

   Obedience sets God free to work in our lives. Obedience encourages peace in our hearts. Obedience brings contentment. Disobedience is the enemy of contentment, because it is sin. When we cherich sin and refuse to relinquish it, contentment is impossible.

  We sing loudly about our great love for God but nullify His existence in the way we treat our family. It is not enough to know the truth. We are foolish if we really believe that God is impressed with our knowledge of truth. God is pleased by our practice of the truth.  (pp. 152-154 In Coming Out of the Dark, by Mary Southerland)

Let's pray-

     Father, as we give our hearts and lives over to Christ Jesus, may we allow Him to be our new Manager, the One who will lead us with a heart of love. Help us treasure what You have promised us, and to obey all of Your commands that we read and hear about.
     May we keep under Christ's loving and protective care He has for us, designed for our best interest, because He loves us dearly. Help us realize that the plan is useless unless we follow His direction daily. We aren't forced to obey Him, but as it is to be our choice, may we be content to obey and keep under His umbrella of protection, power and purpose.
     As You can see what we cannot, and know what lies ahead, help us follow Your Spirit's direction as we read and hear Your Manual for life, the Bible, which is a customized blueprint by which we can become more like Christ. May Your Spirit and Word saturate our lives through hearing, receiving, learning, and seeing it played out, and by actually doing it!
     We ask this in the name of Jesus, for His honor and glory. Amen.

#41 Quote
- By John Newton: From Prayers for Life  pg.324

   "One there is, above all others,
    well deserves the name of Friend;
    his is love beyond a brother's,
    costly, free, and knows no end;
    they who once his kindness prove
    firm it everlasting love.
    Oh, for grace our hearts to soften!
    Teach us, Lord, at length to love!
    We, alas, forget too often
    what a friend we have above: 
                                      but when home our souls are brought
                                      we will love you as we ought."                               

Recommended Reading- THE PATH OF PRAYER By Samuel Chadwick

"Most books on prayer only inform the mind, but Samuel Chadwick both instructs the intellect and inspires the heart to meet God at the throne of grace. I thank God for this precious volume, for it has breatly affected my life and ministry." 
Pastor Jim Cymbala, Brooklyn Tabernacle

1231-1235 One-line Scriptures for those of you who want to learn some more verses this week- or to review them from when they were first posted- 
1231- Esther 4:14b "Who knoweth whether thou art come . . . for such a time as this?"
1232- Is. 48:17b "I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee . . . which leadeth thee by the way thou shouldest go."
1233- Ez. 24:29b 'Ye shall know that I am the Lord God."
1234- Ps. 40:2a,b "He brought me up also out of an horrible pit . . . and set my feet upon a rock."
1235- Job 12:16a "With him is strength and wisdom."

 #41 Hymn- " Blessed Assurance" 

 Some encouraging words-

"Living in the worship and awe of God will bring you many years of contented living."
(The PASSION translation of Prov. 10:27)

~ "Let’s remind those entrusted to us that they are sons and daughters of the Most High God. Let’s close our mouths to words that diminish and tear down and open them to release words of life! Our words can either cause others to shrink back and live small lives, or frame a world large enough for them to be heroes in. Which will you choose?" Lisa Bevere   (From STICKS, STONES & BROKEN BONES)

~Upcoming posts:

29th- DO NOT BE AFRAID- Kathy Stickes
7/6- LIVE WITH EXPECTATION- Elaine Elliott

The North Country Christian Fellowship Center Churches,

located in the St. Lawrence county of NY,

broadcast their Sunday services at 10 or 10:15

You can view past services too.

Sermon listing: 

"Our stronghold is a divine shield that surrounds us. A spiritual fortress protects us. It does not prevent our participation in the battle but protects us from destruction. When we feel consumed by hardship, defeated, and utterly powerless, remember that as a redeemed child of God, we remain within the strongest hold of God. We have nothing to fear."

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