Saturday, June 29, 2024



  ~Kathy Martin-Stricker- "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 CSB

   "A good friend was recently diagnosed with stomach cancer that had already spread.

   Her treatment involved chemotherapy, surgery, and then more chemotherapy. A few hours after I received this news, a close friend called to say he was struggling professionally. A door closed for him at his current position, leaving him with an uncertain future.

   Both friends faced navigating unchartered territory. Both used the word scared when conversing with me. Fear is a normal human reaction. I shared God’s words to Joshua with them.

   Of all the commands God gives in the Bible, “Do not be afraid” is used most frequently. This command appears in this particular section of Scripture more than in any other place and relates to the time when the Israelites wandered for forty years in the wilderness as they made their way to the Promised Land. God always gave specific instructions to them, knowing fear would spring up in their hearts. And He included this phrase in every direction.

   After forty years, God called Joshua with these words. Joshua may have been frightened, but he trusted God’s words as he led the people into battle. And he became a strong and courageous leader.

   Like Joshua, God may charge us with a difficult situation—a wrong diagnosis, job loss, a parenting crisis, the loss of a marriage, or the death of a loved one. We can memorize and repeat this verse often to help us proceed with faith, strength, and courage.

   God will give us the strength we need to face each day. He will strengthen us as we move forward, holding us firmly. He will never let us go.

   When new situations come into your life, what is your first reaction? Be encouraged and run to the Father, who knows and sees you.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and darksouls1.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

Let's pray-

     Father, friends navigate unchartered territory, scared with news that unnerves them. May they remember to read Your Words, to settle their thoughts on Your control of things.
     Of all the commands that You give in the Bible, "Do not be afraid" is used frequently. You've always given Your people specific instructions, so they know that You're with them to help.
     After forty years, You called Joshua to not be frightened, but to trust in You as he led the people into battle. He became a strong and courageous leader.
     Like Joshua, You may charge us with a difficult situation to deal with, death of a loved one, loss of a marriage or a parenting crisis. We're to believe You will help us to proceed with faith, strength and courage. You will never let us go!
     We admit that we need Your help, Father. Please enable us to deal with whatever comes our way that challenges us.  We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.

#43 Testimony- Ann

"I have never had a great sense of direction.  In the days before google maps and GPSs, I would study my paper map before a long trip, make notes on scrap paper, and hope for the best.  A wrong turn would send me into a panic, and more often than not, I would burst into tears if I had to ask a stranger for help.  

This always bothered me, and I wanted to conquer this irrational fear.  

One day, I was taking a trip to my parents' house over 100 miles away.  Since I had made the trip several times, I felt pretty confident.  But as I got closer to their area, I got off at the wrong exit and then couldn't find my way back to the right highway.  

I started to panic and asked God for help.  I didn't want to pull over and ask a stranger for directions because I was afraid I would cry.  I felt discouraged, defeated, and alone.  

Then suddenly, a car pulled up alongside of me.  I looked at it and couldn't believe my eyes:  it was my parents!  They didn't see me, they had no idea I was nearby, but I immediately knew I would be ok. They were probably headed to their house. But even if they weren't, I could follow them and know that I was no longer lost and alone. 

I can't imagine all that God orchestrated to control the timing of that meet-up.  But I am so thankful that He showed His love and care for me by making sure our paths came together at just the right moment."

1241-1245 One-line Scriptures for those of you who want to learn some more verses this week- or to review them from when they were first posted- 
1241- Ps. 109:21b "Because thy mercy is good, deliver me."
1242- 1 Cor. 6:15a "Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ?"
1243- Ps. 119:50 "This is my comfort in my affliction: for thy word hath quickened me."
1244- Ps. 79:9 "Help us, O God of our salvation for the glory of thy name."
1245- Ps. 48:10a "According to thy name, O God, so is thy praise unto the ends of the earth."

 #43  Hymn- It Is Well With My Soul

 -Some encouraging words-

The Blessing of StormsMary Southerland

   "Storms will come. Storms are a reality of life. We will either become storm survivors or storm statistics. The choice really is ours to make. We can stop telling God how big our storm is and start telling the storm just how big our God is. The key to enduring storms is to embrace each one that comes, knowing it contains and can yield a seed of victory."  

Karen Huffaker- Karen Huffaker- "God knows our circumstances and suffering because He knows us by name. He sees the big picture. The Lord will bring about the best for us in the long run. We only need to draw close to Him and remain in His Word."

Upcoming posts:

 7/6th- LIVE WITH EXPECTATION- Elain Elliiott

13th- THE POWER OF THE BLOOD- The Pocket Testament Leage

20th- JESUSTHE PEACE-MAKER- Winn Collier

The North Country Christian Fellowship Center Churches,

located in the St. Lawrence county of NY,

broadcast their Sunday services at 10 or 10:15

You can view past services too.

Sermon listing: 

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