Linda Shoaf- "One Sunday, as my husband walked the church halway, he saw Johnnie, one of my seven-year-old choir members. A distraught young teacher's assistant tugged on Johnnie as he resisted. From the interaction, it was apparent Johnnie had misbehaved in class and had been removed from the group to the hallway.
As my husband passed Johnnie, he looked into his eyes and softly said, “What would Mrs. Shoaf think?”
Johnnie immediately straightened up and marched back into the classroom. The flabbergasted assistant gazed at my husband—her mouth dropping in disbelief.
Later, my husband chuckled as he relayed the incident to me. “I know she wondered what woman had such power over this little fellow.”
Johnnie was a handful—at first. He was an obvious leader, and the children mimicked his antics. I called him aside one day and solicited his help. Johnnie sought attention in the wrong way until given the opportunity to use his talents for good. I explained how important his influence was on the other children and asked him to assist me in teaching the others. From that day forward, Johnnie proved an asset in the choir.
How often do we struggle against God? We want to go our way and do our own thing, just like Johnnie. We seek attention by inappropriate means. We rebel for no apparent reason except selfish desires.
But the Holy Spirit can tug at our hearts and show us our disobedience. God endowed us with spiritual gifts and called us for specific purposes. His way is so much better. When we cease struggling against God, He will use us powerfully and positively. God wants to work in us and mold us into the people He knows we can be.
Let go of any self-centered behaviors and allow God to lead you.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD."
Isaiah 55:8 NRSV
Father, when we see that a child has been misbehaving, help us speak with them about the importance they are to the rest of the group, to be a good influence, rather than a poor one.
May we relay the message that each child is important to their teachers, as they can be a help in maintaining order through their behavior. Their influence on the other children as a leader, can help the teacher and be an asset in the class.
Help us realize that our struggling against You, wanting our own way, doing our own thing, just like a child, we express selfish desires. Thankfully, Your Spirit tugs at our hearts to show us our disobedience. He will use powerful and positive influence to work in us and mold us into the people You know we can be with His help. Help us be coopertive, allowing You to lead us in the way we should go, so as to honor Christ Jesus.
We pray this together in His name, for our good and for Your glory. Amen.
#70 A word from C. H. Mackintosh- Wait on God
"There is nothing in all this world more deeply blessed than to lead a life of habitual dependence upon God; to hang upon Him, moment by moment, to wait on Him and cling to Him for every thing. To have all our springs in Him (Ps. 87:7). It is the true secret of peace, and of holy independence of the creature.
Let us wait on him - wait patiently, wait constantly. He has said, "I am the way" (John 14:6); Let us follow Him. He will make it clear, bright, and certain. There can be no darkness, no perplexity, no uncertainty, if we are following Him; for He has said, "He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness" (John 8:12).
Perplexity or uncertainty is very often the fruit of the working of the will. We are bent upon doing something which God does not want us to do at all. We pray about it, and get no answer.
The simple fact is, that God wants us to be quiet - to stand still - to remain just where we are. Wherefore, instead of racking our brains and harassing our souls about what we ought to do, let us do nothing, but simply wait on God. This is the secret of peace and calm elevation." C. H. Mackintosh
1376-1380 One-line Scriptures for those of you who want to learn some more verses this week- or to review them from when they were first posted-
1376- Neh. 6:3b "I am doing a great work."
1377- Is. 2:3b "The God of Jacob, . . he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk
in his paths."
1378- Ecc. 3:22b "A man should rejoice in his own works."
1379- Ps. 119:99b "Thy testimonies are my meditation."
1380- Is. 57:15b "I dwell in the high place, with him also that is of a contrite and
humble spirit."
#70 Hymn- Lord, I Want to Be a Christian
“Lord, I want to be a Christian” is among a canon of African American Spirituals that appears both in mainline denominational hymnals and in African American hymnals in the United States. It was first published in Folk Songs of the American Negro edited by Frederick J. Work (1878-1942) (Nashville, 1907) with an introduction by John W. Work, Jr. (1872-1925).
Some encouraging words-
When you don't know what to do, praise the Lord! When fear takes hold, praise the Lord! When you find yourself alone, praise the Lord! When you need to make a decision, praise the Lord! Praise makes you available to God, and He, available to you!
Church notes:
We are to stand true to Jesus, using His armor (Eph. 6:16-18). The devil's darts are to destroy our faith. Pray for your church leaders and each other. It's not flesh and blood we fight, but the devil uses them! Our warfare is on our knees!
Upcoming posts:
8th- COMPASSION IN ACTION- Patricia Paydon
15th- MINISTRY OF THORNS- Becky White
Jean's blog (Click to see snippets of the 7 recent posts)
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