Thursday, December 31, 2020

#84 Invite Others to Join in Special Prayer


    Dr. Wesley L. Duewel-  6. Invite others to join in special prayer meetings for revival. Local meetings can be called for the purpose of seeking God's face. Letters may be sent to people even in distant places to join in intercession until God answers.

    Revival came to the One Mission Society work in Peking, China, after the missionaries prayed and fasted each noon for six weeks. Some of the national pastors asked to join the group. Revival fell, spreading first to our city churches in Peking and then out to the village churches. (Google image, Flag and praying hands

   The great revival that swept America in 1857-58 was known as "The Revival of the United Prayer Meeting." It began when one man invited some others to pray with him at noon on September 23, 1857, in the Dutch Reformed North Church in New York City. Gradually the crowds increased. As news of the prayer meeting reached outlying cities, other prayer groups sprang up.

   After 6 months, ten thousand businessmen were meeting daily at noon in New York City alone. By May, fifty thousand had been converted in that city. United prayer meetings began to spread across New England, down the Ohio Valley to Texas, and across to the West Coast. Much of the United States and Canada was covered by this spirit of intercession fostered in the united prayer meetings.

    Methodists reported eight thousand conversions in their churches in one week. Baptists reported seventeen thousand conversions over a three-week period. For two years there was an average increase of ten thousand weekly in the membership of churches across America.

   It is concervatively estimated that, of the total U. S. population of thirty million at that time, at least one million came to Christ in two years' time. That is nation-wide revival. That is the sovereign working of God calling people to prayer and mightily answering that prayer. From the human standpoint, it began with one man in one city starting one  prayer meeting for revival.

    7.  Do not grow weary of holding on in prayer.  Prayer for local or national revival may continue for months or even several years before the full answer comes. Don't give up. In God's time revival will come if you persevere in prayer (Gal. 6:9).

    Remember, you cannot choose the way God will work in revival. You cannot choose the people God will use in helping to bring revival. God has ordained to work through human instrumentality. You may never know all the people God was using in preparing the way for revival. 

    But of this you can be sure, it is always God's will to convict people of sin and bring them to repentance. It is always His will to visit His people anew with spiritual blessing and revival. Are you willing to be one of God's channels for revival? Whatever He says to you, do it, and He will bless.

(Chapter 23, pp. 178-179, italics added for emphasis)

Used by permission 
of the Duewel Literature Trust, Inc,
Greenwood, Indiana
Available by phone
317-881-6755, ext, 361

Let's pray-

       Father, we've seen that revival comes when You draw people together for prayer for one. Even in distant places folks can join us in intercession until You answer with revival fires. We're told of great revivals sweeping whole continents as a result of a series of groups praying for revival for extended periods of time.
   As more and more groups join efforts to see revival come, this will intensify the praying, and cause others to get news of the prayer meetings. Even in rural and outlying cities other prayer meetings may spring up.
   Many churches have new converts coming to their church services as a result of revivals. 
 Because it's Your will to convict people of sin and to bring them to repentance, we can be sure that when we pray for revival, it will come,
   We invite You to visit us anew with spiritual blessing and revival. May we be willing channels for You to cause this to happen in our churches. Teach us to pray for revival! We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen

Today's Bible verses-  

         2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (ICB) "We fight with weapons that are different from those the world uses. Our weapons have power from God that can destroy the enemy's strong places. We destroy people's arguments and every proud thing that raises itself against the knowledge of God. We capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ."

       John 1:1-14 “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.” 

       1 Timothy 1:1 “…Christ Jesus (the Messiah), our Hope.” 

Quote for today-  

~ Amy Peterson- When we see evil winning in our world, we shouldn't give in or try to fight it in our own strength. Instead, we're to resist evil by putting on "the full armor of God" (Eph. 6:13- 18). Studying Scripture, meeting regularly with other believers for encouragement, and making choices with the good of others in mind can help us "Stand against the devil's schemes" (v. 13). Equipped by the Holy Spirit, we can stand firm in the face of anything (v. 13).

Words of wisdom-

A local assembly of believers is a place where Christ's attention to our particular needs are to be met. Have you found such a place? Ask God to lead you to one, if you haven't. Choose a local assembly to watch online if that's your only option at this time of restrictions.

Today's Popular post-

#45 Praying "One For Another"

 Samuel Chadwick: "The praying people of the Bible are intercessors. Abraham pleaded for Sodom and Gomorrah. Moses made intercession for apostate Israel. Samuel prayed all night for Saul and continually for the nation.
  David entreated God for his people. Daniel prayed for the deliverance of the Lord's people from Babylon. Christ prayed for His disciples, and made special intercession for Peter." 

The North Country Christian Fellowship Center Churches,

located in the St. Lawrence county of NY,

broadcast their Sunday services at 10 or 10:15

Check out the livestream with this link:

You can view past services too.

Upcoming posts-

     A Truck Driver's Hand
2021/2nd- Saturday's post by Sheridan Voysey

     #84 Let Jesus and Paul Guide Your Prayer
5th- Tuesday's post by Dr. Wesley L. Duewel

     #86 Jesus Wants You to Have Harvest Vision
7th- Thursday's post by Dr. Wesley L. Duewel

     Responding to His Presence
9th- Saturday's post by Jean Oathout


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