Saturday, October 12, 2024



   Dianne Neal Matthews-  "I recently read an article in a psychology magazine that focused on self-talk, that inner voice most of us have that offers a running commentary throughout the day.

   This combination of conscious thoughts and subconscious beliefs helps our brain interpret and process our experiences. Positive, encouraging self-talk can help people combat fear and grow in confidence.

   Negative self-talk can lead people into depression, convincing them that they are a failure and that their situation will never improve. Like many people, I tend to hear the latter.

   Centuries ago, the Psalm writers knew how to correct unhelpful self-talk. They often began by venting negative emotions but then deliberately shifted their focus. They rehearsed God's past goodness and His promises for the future, often ending by stating an intention to trust and praise God.

   Like the psalmists, I can change my self-talk and change my perspective. After admittinig my fear, disappointment, or anger in prayer, I can remind myself that thanks to Jesus, I am forgiven, free, protected, and unconditionally loved.

   I don't have to let negative thoughts and feelings dictate my mood; I can choose to focus on truths that uplift my soul and give myself something good to talk about."

Let's pray-

     Father help me watch for negative self-talk, and be prepared to replace each of those thoughts with a Bible verse or statement that expresses what Jesus thinks about me. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

#56- Quote-

   "Is it not sad that our thoughts about the Holy Spirit are often coupled with grief and self-reproach? He bears the name of Comforter, and He is given to lead us to find in Christ our main delight and joy. There is something still more sad, though. He who dwells within us to comfort us is often grieved by us because we will not permit Him to accomplish His work of love. What a course of inexpressible pain to the Holy Spirit is all this prayerlessness in the church!" 
(p. 47 of Andrew Murray's book, The PRAYER LIFE, Persevering in Prayer)

1306-1310 One-line Scriptures for those of you who want to learn some more verses this week- or to review them from when they were first posted- 
1306- Is. 58:9a "Then shalt thou call, and the LORD shall answer; thou shalt cry, 
           and he shall say, Here I am."
1307- Pro. 4:10a "Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings."
1308- Ecc. 12:1a "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth."
1309- Ecc. 5:6a "Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin."
1310- Jer. 17:18b "Let me not be dismayed."

 #56 Hymn- Come, Ye Thankful People, Come 

 The story behind this song:

  "In the fall of 1844, while Henry Alford was at Wymeswold, his first charge, the people of this hamlet decided to have a festival, rejoicing in the abundant harvest already gathered into their barns.

   For this particular occasion Alford wrote this song which has been sung, perhaps millions of times during Thanksgiving celebrations.

   After you sing this inspiring song, rededicate yourself to a life of thankfulness."

 Some encouraging words-

  "If the Church does not struggle in prayer for lost souls, the Spirit does not pursue them. If the Spirit does not pursue and draw people to God, then they will be lost. Yet, the Spirit can and will pursue; when the church does the work of prayer. He can and will pursue any person, who has not hardened his heart, to come to Christ." 
(p.65) DESTINED FOR THE THRONE, by Paul E. Bellheimer)

Upcoming posts:

19th-  WORTHY OF ALL PRAISE- Bill Crowder
11/2-   LOVE LIKE BLAZING FIRE- Winn Collier

The North Country Christian Fellowship Center Churches,

located in the St. Lawrence county of NY,

broadcast their Sunday services at 10 or 10:15

You can view past services too.

Sermon listing: 

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