Saturday, June 3, 2023



 Suzanne Eller-"I was 32, a young mama, and battling breast cancer. The news had come at an already-hard time. My husband worked long hours each week, trying to keep our business afloat. When he paid the business expenses each month, there was just a small amount left to pay ourselves. The pressure often made me feel like I was near to drowning, but we told no one about our financial battle. (Sizanne Eller's book)

Christmas was weeks away. Our children had school expenses. I was going through radiation and chemotherapy, and medical bills were piling up. One day as I walked to the mailbox, I dreaded what I knew would be inside. Bills, bills, and more bills. 

But this day was different. Tucked among the envelopes was a card without a return address. It appeared that someone had slipped it in our mailbox when we weren’t looking. When I opened it, cash fell out. The inscription simply read, “You are loved and seen.” I stood at the mailbox on that wintry day and cried like a baby. To this day, so many years later, I still have no idea who left the card in our mailbox. What I do know is the joy I felt. I was able to take care of an outstanding utility bill. I bought a few groceries. I bought school supplies, then tucked the rest away, with a plan to buy each of my children a small gift for Christmas. 

Like the psalmist, I had prayed a simple prayer each day. 

Come quickly to help me, O Lord my savior (Psalm 38:22 NLT).

However, my prayer wasn’t as eloquent. Some days, it was simply, “Help us, Jesus.” 

And somewhere, someone became a part of answering that prayer. Their obedience was an instrument of hope at just the right time. 

Answered prayers are often awe-inspiring partnerships with God. 

Years later, long after that challenging season, I see prayer in a different light. When I was going through that challenging time, I saw prayer as a one-way conversation with God. 

Do You see me, God?

What can we do, Father?


Now I see it as a multi-layered conversation. 

I prayed. 

God listened and breathed an invitation into the heart of someone close by. 

That person said yes. 

Tears fell as I stood at the mailbox; a glimpse of hope held in my hand. 

Isn’t it amazing how God works? 

Perhaps God has been leading you to encourage someone. Listen to that invitation. It may seem small. It may be behind the scenes. They may never know that you were the one who did it. But as you say yes to it, God will use your obedience to meet [them], right where [they are].

"Come quickly to help me, O Lord my savior" (Psalm 38:22 NLT).

 Help Me, God   Suzanne Eller

 Our prayer-

   "Jesus, how many times have You used someone to love me well? So many! A kind word. An unexpected and generous act. A text or card that said the words I needed to hear. All these things have been instrumental in my own life. Show me someone who may need that same encouragement. Thank You for inviting me to partner with You to love others, In Jesus’ Name, Amen."

961-965  One-line Scriptures for those of you who want to learn some more verses this week- or to review them from when they were first posted- 
961- Jer. 31:33b "I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts."

962- Ps. 143:8a "Cause me to hear thy lovinig-kindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust."

963- Ps. 119:145 "I cried with my whole heart; hear me, O LORD: I will keep thy statutes."
964- Ps. 119:49 "Remember the word unto thy servant; upon which thou hast caused me to hope."

965- Pro. 16:22 "Understanding is a wellspring of life to him that hath it."

Quotes for today-

Chastity LeBlanc- "Time does not numb our senses or bury our hurts. But most importantly, we are not alone when we hurt. God wants us to trust Him. He will walk us through the valley. God’s presence, not time, will bring us comfort."

Gwen Smith- "God does not call us to a safe faith. He does not promise that we will have a clear view of all that lies ahead. He does not promise us simplicity. Instead, every day the Lord invites us to embrace a vibrant faith that trusts Him. A faith that is alive and energized, despite the unsteady unknowns. God’s arms are not too short to save, and His ears are not dull to hear. He is powerful, capable, compassionate, merciful, holy, just, and faithful."

Words of wisdom-

"The success of emotional integrity lies in the one who holds the reins. We must constantly choose to surrender every emotion to the supernatural control of God, because when we do, the Holy Spirit empowers that choice, produces control, and transforms emotional bondage into emotional freedom. Learning to control anger is a crucial life lesson that we need to master."

From my journal in times past for you: 

"Each of you has purposes that I need done. My timing may not seem to be what you want, but My way is best for everyone. You'll find that you need to come to Me to have your faith, hope and love, (for Me and others) to mature. I want so much to spend time with you, drawing you closer to My heart, giving you clearer understanding and causing you to trust Me to provide, guide and to use you affectively."

#8 of 23 Parallels between Moses and Messiah:

Moses appeared to the children of Israel as their long-awated deliverer from slavery and Pharaoh (Exodus 3:10)

Messiah appeared as God in the fleshas the long-awaited redeemer from slavery to sin and the rule of Satan (Acts 26:16-18).

Some encouragement-

Martin Wiles- "God arranges opportunities for us to demonstrate His love in tangible ways to others. Telling others about His love and inviting them to follow Him is done with more than just words. Our actions of love speak volumes, causing others to want to know why we live as we do." 

Upcoming posts:

        Tammy Boyd

        Mary Southerland

        Melody Morrison 

The North Country Christian Fellowship Center Churches,

located in the St. Lawrence county of NY,

broadcast their Sunday services at 10 or 10:15

You can view past services too.

Sermon listing: 

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