Saturday, May 25, 2024



Anne Adams- "A bit too warm, Sue unbuttoned her coat partway and continued through the shopping mall. However, she soon noticed that nearby and next to a bench, several people gathered around a man sprawled on the floor. “He just fainted,” someone said. (photo courtesy of pixabay.)

Just as Sue stepped closer, a man suddenly crowded past her. “I can help him. I just finished a course in first aid,” he announced.

Sue started to say something, but the man turned to her with an angry snarl. “Don’t bug me, lady. I know what to do. I took a first-aid course!”

Sue put a hand on his arm. “But maybe I can help.”

The guy snapped again, “Look, lady, I know what to do. And yes, I know if I can’t help, then I can call a doctor.”

Sue slipped off her coat, revealing her scrubs with the embroidered identification: Sue Jones, M.D. “You don’t need to call a doctor,” she said. “I’m already here.”

God also reminded Jacob of His guidance and provision as he left home. But the Lord also provided something Jacob only realized later: His divine presence.

It’s often the same on my spiritual journey. Like the industrious fellow Sue encountered, I forge ahead to solve any challenges, assured I can fix any issue or meet any problem myself. And sometimes I can—until I finally can’t. When my feverous ambition fails and I finally realize I can’t do it alone, I reach out for God’s help. Then I realize He was there all along—for my benefit and His glory.

"I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you." When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, "Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it." Genesis 28:15–16 NIV

Imminent Presence

 Anne Adams

 (For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

Let's pray-

   "O God, you tell us You are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. As this is true for eternity, may it be true within the limited confines of each day. I want to begin each day in prayer to You, Lord, and end each day with a heart full of gratitude. Please be my Alpha and Omega today and every day, even trhoughout eternity. Amen."
(The above prayer is from pg. 202, PRAYERS for LIFE, by contributing writers, Nancy Parker Brummett and June Eaton)

#38 Testimony- Lorraine

.   Many years ago when I started going back to church, I wasn’t sure how to pray. I was in a state that some would say, at the bottom of the pit, or I have reached the end of my rope.  My husband was using alcohol heavily and it was emotionally and physically exhausting. I did not know what to do anymore.  
   Sitting in on a prayer meeting, we were asked to pray out loud. I didn’t want anyone to know what my living conditions were like. Shame, fear and pride were a a big part of my mindset. I wanted to be accepted by the people. But when it came my time to pray, all I could say with a quivering voice and tears was, "Help Me." An older man sitting next to me said, "That’s the most beautiful prayer I have ever heard!"
   Over time things started to change as I learned to apply God's Word to my life. 
My husband didn’t change, but I became stronger and made better decisions. 
   Never underestimate the power of a simple prayer!

Recommended Reading-

WITNESSING MADE EASY by C. S. Lovett great book, but does not now supply the materials mentioned in it, unfortunately.

"1. When we learn that witnessing does not mean sol-winning, we get rid of the first worry.

2. When we learn that the Spirit's power follows our words, we get rid of the second worry.

3/ When we learn exactly what to do and say, we get rid of the third worry." 

1016-1020 One-line Scriptures for those of you who want to learn some more verses this week- or to review them from when they were first posted- 
1016- Ps. 40:17b "Thou art my help and my deliverer; make no tarrying, O my God.

1017- Neh. 5:19a "Think upon me, my God, for good."

1018- Is. 23:9a "The LORD of hosts hath purposed it."

1019- Pro. 18:14a "The spirit of a man sustains his infirmity."

1020-  Ps. 84:7a "They go from strength to strength."

#38 Hymn-  I Would Be True
Howard Arnold Walter was born on 19 August 1883 in New Britain, Connecticut, United States of America. At 23 years of age, he spent a year in Japan, teaching English at Waseda University, and while there, he wrote the first three stanzas of the hymn, “I Would Be True.” He sent it to his mother in the United States of America, and she forwarded it to “Harper's Magazine,” which published it.

 Some encouraging words- 

~ Strengthen your bond with the Father, and follow in His footsteps. Don’t be deceived, and be on guard for the evil one's attempts to fool you. You can trust in the Father’s promises. He will never deceive you.

Children who have godly parents walking in integrity, are fortunate and blessed!

Upcoming posts:

6/1- STAND FIRM- Linda McClung

8- SELF DISCOVERY- James Cagle

15- CONTENTMENT- Mary Southerland

The North Country Christian Fellowship Center Churches,

located in the St. Lawrence county of NY,

broadcast their Sunday services at 10 or 10:15

You can view past services too.

Sermon listing: 

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