Saturday, June 1, 2024


~ Linda McClung-  "As I get older, I’m often tempted to give up, quit, sit in my recliner, and wait for God to call me home.

   My muscles are stiff and don’t always work as they should. When I bend over to pick something off the floor, I must hold on to something to keep from falling. Everything takes longer than it once did, but I can’t give up and still claim to be a Christian. There is no retirement date for believers.

   As I think of standing my ground, I remember my dad. He had little formal education but was not uneducated. He was a ferocious reader and Bible student and taught Sunday school for fifty years. He rose early each morning, started the fires in our wood stoves, and walked through the farmhouse singing songs of praise as our alarm clock went off. I know all the words to “His Name Is Wonderful,” “Jesus Paid It All,” and “Blessed Assurance” because he sang them repeatedly. 

   His life revolved around his family, his love for the Lord, and his little country church where Christ was proclaimed. In his later years, his greatest sorrow was being unable to visit the sick, teach his Sunday school class, and help his neighbors.

   Paul’s writings are full of encouragement to stand our ground. Even as he faced execution, he wrote to Timothy to stand firm and preach the Word. He told the Ephesian church to stand firm with the belt of truth buckled about their waist and their feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Paul’s life of suffering demonstrates that pain and persecution often fill the life of a believer. 

   It would have been easy for Paul to say, 'I’ve done my part; now let the younger ones take over.' I’m tempted to do that too. But the Bible doesn’t give us a time to give up and allow others to do what God has called us to do. So, when I have done everything, I want to stand my ground."

   "Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand."
Ephesians 6:13 NIV

Make up your mind to stand your ground until the Lord calls you home.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and Pexels.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

Let's pray-

   Father, I come to You, laying down my plan and embracing Yours. Give me the strength to obey You, please. When I fail, please forgive me, and help me begin again. Today, I choose to live a life of obedience to You. I surrender my life and future. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

#39-  Quotes from the book for your recommended reading:

"Woven throughout this simple parable is the profound spiritual truth that, just like Lass, we can be transformed into the magnificent beings we were created to be if we will simply listen and obey the Master's voice."

   "Many of us fail to realize what a noble honor it is to be called the friend of God. We are not often shown what a stirring challenge it is to be called to suffer with Him. We do not seem to see that amid all the varied vicissitudes of life He really does know what He is doing with us. He can grasp the whole scheme of things and see far beyond our finite view. He is utterly in command and control of every situation." (pg.68, LESSONS FROM A SHEEP DOG, by Phillip Keller)

1221-1225 One-line Scriptures for those of you who want to learn some more verses this week- or to review them from when they were first posted- 
1221- Pro. 28:5b "They that seek the LORD understand all things."
1222- Ecc.. 8:1b "A man's wisdom maketh his face to shine."
1223- Is. 9:7c "The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this."
1224- Ecc. 2:14a "The wise man's eyes are in his head."
1225- Is. 63:7a "I will mention the lovigkindness of the LORD."

 # 39 Hymn- Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus


  ~ DudleyTyng became the pastor of a large Episcopal church, following his father, which seemed a great fit, until he started preaching against slavery. Loud complaints rose from the more conservative members, resulting in his resignation in 1856.
    Dudley had a burden for leading husbands and fathers to Christ, and he helped organize a great rally to reach men. On Tuesday, March 30,1858, five thousand man gathered. As Dudley looked over the sea of faces he felt overwhelmed.  He told them, "I would rather this right arm were amputated at the trunk than that I should come short of my duty to you in delivering God's message." 
   Two weeks later Dudley was visiting in the countryside, watching a corn-thrasher in the barn. His hand moved too close to the machine and his sleeve was snared. His arm was ripped from its socket, the main artery severed. Four days later his right arm was amputated close to the shoulder. When it appeared he was dying, Dudley told his aged father; "Stand up for Jesus, father, and tell my brethren of the ministry to stand up for Jesus."
   Rev. George Duffield of Philadelphia's Temple Presbyterian Chruch was deeply stirred by Dudley's funeral, and the following Sunday he preached from Ephesians 6:14 about standing firm for Christ. He wrote the poem:

     Stand up, stand up for Jesus, / Ye soldiers of the cross; / 
     Lift high His royal banner, / It must not suffer loss.

   The editor of a hymnal heard the poem, found appropriate music, and published it. "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus' soon became one of America's favorite hymns, extending Dudley's dying words to millions.

The information about this song,  is taken from the book by Robert J. MorganTHEN SINGS MY SOUL  pg. 135.

 Some encouraging words-

Our yesterdays have brought us to today. God points out what needs to be changed. Give Him space to speak on the subject. 

~ In whatever situations we find ourselves in, we're to rest in God's Ability to help us conform to Christ, who is in His image.

Upcoming posts:

 6/8-  SELF DISCOVERY- James Cagle
15th- CONTENTMENT- Mary Southerland

The North Country Christian Fellowship Center Churches,

located in the St. Lawrence county of NY,

broadcast their Sunday services at 10 or 10:15

You can view past services too.

Sermon listing: 

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