Thursday, February 16, 2012


 “Jesus came and drew us a picture of God! 

Now we know what He looks like. But that’s not the only direction of His interceding. 

Great irony exists in the fact that Man who was meant to be God’s intercessor, mediator or representative on earth now needed someone to mediate for him.

He who was made to represent God on the earth now needed someone to represent him to God.

Christ, of course, became that representative, intercessor or mediator. 

Not only did He represent God to man, but He also represented man to God. 

This God-man was the attorney for both sides!

He is the ultimate, final and only go-between. 

He is ‘the Apostle {God to the human race} and High Priest {human race to God} of our confession’ (Heb. 3:1). 

He is Job’s great go-between, hanging between heaven and earth placing one hand on God and the other on Humans (see Job 9:32, 33). 

Christ’s intercession, in keeping with its literal meaning, was not a prayer He prayed, but a work of mediation He did.” 

Prayer Note # 14 Christ, the Ultimate Intercessor - taken from Dutch Sheets’ book, Intercessory Prayer  (pgs 38, 39)

“Now a mediator does not mediate for one only, but God is one.”  (Gal. 3:20 NKJV)

“For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.”   (1 Tim. 2:5, 6 NKJV) 

Tomorrow’s post:  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  Sharon Jaynes

Your life is a miracle, and the Creator of the universe knows you by name. He's big enough to breathe out stars, yet intricate enough to fashion together the...

Wow! This is well worth your while to watch. He relates the earth as a golf ball in comparison to four stars the scientist have discovered and photographed. He then helps us realize what a great God we have Who "spoke" all the creation into existence, and yet He loves us so much that He gave His Son to provide for our salvation! It really is a "must see."

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