Tuesday, March 13, 2012


     “The Hebrew word for intercession, paga, means ‘to meet.’ As we have already seen by studying the English word, intercession is not primarily a prayer a person prays, but something a person does that can be done through prayer. this is also true in the Hebrew language. Although the word intercession has come to mean prayer in our minds, its Hebrew word does not necessarily mean prayer at all. It has many shades of meaning, all of which can be done in prayer.

     Throughout the remainder of the book, {Intercessory Prayer}, we will look at several of these meanings, then put them into the context of prayer. As we do, our understanding will increase of what Christ did for us through His intercession and what our re-presenting of it on the earth through prayer really entails.

     Intercession creates a meeting. Intercessors meet with God; they also meet the powers of darkness. ‘Prayer meetings’ are aptly named!”

Prayer Note # 14 INTERCESSION CREATE A MEETING - Taken from Dutch Sheets’ Intercessory Prayer   (pg 50)

“God has not cast away His people whom He foreknew. Or do you not know what the Scripture says of Elijah, how he pleads with God…”  (Ro. 11:2 NKJV)

Next Prayer Note March 15th - A MEETING FOR RECONCILIATION

jowildflowers@gmail.com  jean-oathout.blogspot.com   Tomorrow’s post:

 A TIME FOR GOOD COUNSEL from Our Daily Bread

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