Tuesday, April 10, 2012

OUR PART: Prayer Note # 29

          “What could possibly be lacking in Christ’s afflictions? Our part. In fact, the Amplified Bible actually adds those words: “And in my own person I am making up whatever is still lacking and remains to be completed [on our part] of Christ’s afflictions, for the sake of His body, which is the church.”(Col. 1:24)

          That which is lacking is really the point of this entire book, not just this chapter. It’s the ‘re-presenting’ of which we have spoken. It’s the mediating, the going between, the distributing, the enforcing. It’s our part.

          (Jesus) “He is the balm of Gilead” (see Jer. 8:22), but we apply this healing salve.

“He is the fountain of life (see Jer. 2:13; 17:13), but we are dispensers of His living water.

“His is the comforting shepherd’s staff” (see Ps. 23:4), but He allows us the privilege of extending it.

Yes, Christ has made us ‘able ministers.’ And if I understand the word correctly,
ministers administer something. What do we administer? The blessings and provisions of the new covenant.

          And who secured and guarantees those benefits? Jesus, of course. Then this verse is just another way of saying that we have been made able distributors of what Christ already accomplished.”

Prayer Note # 29 OUR PART- Taken from Dutch Sheets’ book, Intercessory Prayer (pgs 66-68)

jowildflowers@gmail.com   jean-oathout.blogspot.com   Tomorrow’s post:

THE CROSS OF CHRIST by Dr. Charles Stanley

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