Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Sharon Jaynes tells us, "Several years ago, on a trip to Kauai, my husband and our friends, Larry and Cynthia Price, decided to go on a zip line through the jungle.

 After being jostled and tossed like rag dolls in the back of a retired army jeep, we finally made it to the top of the mountain from which we were going to zip down – risking life and limb I might add. Crazy, I know.

I hopped out of the jeep and eyed the cable suspended high above the valley below. 

After watching Cynthia fly through the trees, I climbed up onto a wooden platform and surrendered to Jack, a jovial, burly Hawaiian, who strapped me into a harness and placed a helmet on my head.

With a simple click of a metal buckle, he attached my harnessed body onto a seemingly flimsy steel cable.

 As I stood on the edge of the platform eyeing the disappearing earth below my feet, I had a choice. I could say, 'no thanks' and asked to be released from the cable, or I could jump.

 I chose to jump. My body flew over the treetops and the stunningly beautiful gorge. I was Tarzan’s Jane and this was my jungle. Airborne. Exhilarating. Risky.

Jacob was with us that day. He was a stranger among our little band of adventures. Jacob was alone. No friends. No spouse. No family.

 'Jacob, what brings you up to this mountain today?' I asked.

 'I’m afraid of heights,' he answered.

 I then began to notice the thin line of perspiration beading over his upper lip. The slight tremble in his voice. The mechanical one-foot-in-front-of-the-other halted gait up the hill.

 'You’re afraid of heights?' I asked. 'Then why are you here?'

 'I’m going to conquer it today,' he determinedly answered.

 I was struck. We were here to have fun. He was here for a totally different reason. When Jacob stood on that platform, I prayed for my new friend. For Jacob this was not just a joy ride…or just maybe it was.

 I’m not saying that God told Jacob to go to the top of a mountain and attach his body to a flimsy cable, and fly over the gorge at the risk of life and limb. But I am saying that obedience often requires a leap of faith.

Too often we say yes to God, but live the no because of fear. We stand at the precipice of belief and a decision has to be made. Am I going to trust God or not? Am I going to attach my heart to the cable of His love and take a leap of faith, or am I going to freeze in fear because I don’t trust that He has my best interest in mind?

 Am I going to settle for safety and miss the thrill of seeing God work through me?

 As we live and move and have our being in Jesus, God will take us to some amazing places. But there will always be a choice. Will we jump headlong into the adventurous journey of His perfect plan, or will we hang back because of lack of faith?

Jacob stood on the platform, took a deep breath, and jumped. He flew over the treetops, careened over the river, and landed safely on the other side of his greatest fear.

 We clapped and cheered. Jacob took a bow. God smiled.

 Let’s Pray

Father, I am so thankful that You always have my best interest in mind. Today, help me to have the courage to take a leap of faith if I need to. I trust You. I’m attaching my heart to the cable of Your love, and I’m going to jump!

In Jesus’ Name,
Amen. ''

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Heb. 11:1
Now It’s Your Turn

Can you think of a time when obeying God took a leap of faith?

What happened when you jumped? Perhaps God is calling you to do something right now that requires a leap of faith. What’s holding you back?”

By Sharon Jaynes on

“Blessed be God—
he heard me praying.
He proved he’s on my side;
I’ve thrown my lot in with him.

Now I’m jumping for joy,
and shouting and singing my thanks to him.”  Ps. 28:6, 7 (MSG)

Tomorrow's post: TAKING HOLD OF TOGETHER WITH AGAINST: Payer Note # 42

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