Monday, September 3, 2012

He Owns It All

God owns it all and shares it too
Cindy Sproles relates an unemployment situation: "I'm getting laid off:

My husband’s face sank as he listened to our oldest son explain the plants’ closing.

“Try not to worry,” he said. “Something will come along.”

Two days later our youngest son called, “I’m getting laid off. There are just no jobs for us to do right now.”

Six months later, our third son called. “Mom, I just got laid off.”

Would it never end?

Three of our four sons were unemployed and our savings account wasn’t enough to help any of them. There’s little worse than feeling so helpless and for some reason, reminding the boys God would supply was just not cutting it.

It’s hard to offer words of encouragement to those who’ve lost their jobs. They’re overwhelmed with thoughts of paying their bills…buying groceries… losing their homes. It just doesn’t seem fair, but these are the times we live in. Nothing is guaranteed. Nothing is promised.

But then, nothing really belongs to us anyway, does it? We’re placed in this world and allowed to borrow, for a short time, that which God has so graciously provided. Funny how we’ve become so possessive of what isn’t ours.

Our God is Jehovah Jireh, God of provision. He shares with us all that is His and He does it freely. Our God, the same God, who knitted us together in our mother’s womb, knew well in advance every detail of our lives, every desire, every…need.

I went to bed a little worried about our boys. 'God,' I prayed, 'care for my boys.' As I pulled the covers around my neck, a song from childhood popped into my mind.

He owns the cattle on a thousand hills
The wealth in every mine,
He owns the rivers and the rocks and rills,
The sun and stars that shine,
Wonderful riches more than tongue can tell
He is my Father so they’re mine as well
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills
I know that He will care for me

And He does.

Two of our sons found employment and the third is on the cusp of finding new work. Their needs have been met. They’ve lost nothing other than a little sleep over the worry. God shared.

It’s scary to lose your job…to not know what lies ahead, but God already knows. When you’re facing the trials of financial disaster, remember He owns it all and He’ll share what you need."

"For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills." Psalm 50:10 KJV

He Owns It All – Cindy Sproles
Cindy is the founder of Mountain Breeze Ministries and cofounder of Christian Devotions Ministries. She has contributed to Novel Journey and Novel Reviews, and Christian Devotions.

She has written for PML Programs and contributes to the Her devotions and articles are published weekly in several newspapers across the country.

She cowrites the He Said, She Said devotions with Eddie Jones that publish in Common Ground Christian Newspaper. Cindy is the coauthor of He Said, She Said: A Devotional Guide to Cultivating a Life of Passion.

Cindy is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers. She attended Johnson Bible College and graduated with a BA in Business from the University of Phoenix in 2008. She is a speaker who teaches and speaks frequently for ladies’ conferences, special events and writers conferences across the country.

She is a contributing writer to . Contact Cindy if you would like for her to speak to your church, club or group. You can visit Cindy at

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Tomorrow’s post: A Distorted Perspective: Prayer Note #69 by Dutch Sheets

Today’s treasure truth #3: If you are “born again”, you are forgiven. (Col. 1:13, 14)

Our thought for today: To replace anxiety, God can give deep, abiding peace, by seeking His Kingdom first.   Where authors and readers come together!

Jean’s book:  So You Plan to Marry a Man  (Amazon page)   Presently my home page


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