Wednesday, October 10, 2012

His Shining Light

James P. Willis tells us, "It occurred to me while it’s important for us to show God’s love during the good times, His light shines the brightest in our darkest hours."

"Five and a half short years of marriage and six long weeks in the hospital came to an end as I watched my beloved wife Teresa take her last breath.

 After a long hard battle, her fight with diabetes was finished. 

While I grieved at her passing, I felt joy in the knowledge that, with Christ at her side, she’d won her battle.

Now she had a brand new, healthy body in which to walk the streets of gold.

As I slowly walked from her room, the head nurse on the floor approached me and took my hands in hers.

'Mr. Willis, we have nurses working on this floor who are Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and atheists. 

During the time you and your wife have been here, the two of you have shown all of us what Christian love is all about.

 I just wanted you to know that.'

I was a little surprised by what she said. During our six weeks in the tiny hospital room, I had given little thought to my Christian witness. 

I focused on fighting for Teresa’s life. Our days had been filled with CAT scans, lab work, surgeries, and dialysis machines. 

Although we made many friends among the hospital staff, I had, on occasion, been rather obstinate and often demanding about the care my wife needed.

As the nurse smiled and walked away, it occurred to me while it’s important for us to show God’s love during the good times, His light shines the brightest in our darkest hours.

 Although suffering is always with us, through our adversity, God is able to reach people we may not even know.

Let Him work through your adversity. You never know who’s candle will be lit."

"For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." II Corinthians 4:6

His Shining Light – James P. Willis

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James P. Willis is a Navy veteran, an industrial mechanic, and a freelance writer who lives with his wife and three children in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.

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Dr. Charles F. Stanley, in the Sept. 2012 issue of his magazine, In Touch, said in an article on pg. 11: "You are the light of the world. Jesus told His disciples that they were "the light of the world" (Matt. 5:14). 

When light enters a room, it drives out the darkness, allowing those inside to see more clearly. Your presence should have that effect on those with whom you live and work. 

Some of the people in the room will be glad for the truth revealed to them, but others will reject it because they prefer the darkness that allows them to deny their sins and concoct their own 'truth' (John 3:19-20)."

Tomorrow’s post: Thoughts and Temptations: Prayer Note #80  Dutch Sheets
Today’s treasure truth #1:  If you are “born again”, you are a child of God. Rom. 8:16
Our thought for today: We have free access to the throne of God in Christ, through the Atonement!

So You Plan to Marry a Man  (These have a bride on the front, and are being offered for $25).

Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse (Same contents, different title)

Kindle $2.99

 A great gift for someone who
needs help in their marriage

Bridal Shower Devotional
Bridal Wisdom for Women

My book in paperback $7.96

Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse

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