Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Fear of Man

Kimberly Damon:

The Fear of Man,
sounds like a little girl
who has been the victim of abuse, 
who carries that understanding
that the male gender may use their greater strength
(or power),
to cause harm.

There is that,
to a degree.

It shows up in my pride,
resisting submission and trust
(two very beautiful things).
God, bring healing.

The fear of man
(in Chistianese)
could be defined; loving the praise of men
more than the praise of God.

But that sounds harsh,
I see it's form in longing for approval,
in fearing rejection,
which leads to self loathing and isolation.

Only God can bring hope for healing in this area.
The only hope for healing in this many tentacled area,
is God. Only God.

As a child I loved to sit outside at night
and look at the stars.

Best of all was to lay down on the hood of a car
and let my full peripheral be filled
with as much of the sky as I could drink in.

Truth is, in it's vastness,
I felt so small,
but so safe.
God is like that.

When I focus on Him so completely
that he fills up all my view,
the condemning voices
the controlling actions,
the harsh judgments,
all fade away;
they loose the power to wound
or effect me at all.

Only God and His beauty,
His glory
and His love
have any part with me.

He wraps me up and carries me away
to His presence. 
Oh to linger there.
In the safety and love.
No fear of man in His presence.

If the thought of anyone enters the unity of
God and I
they are seen in love,
they are weighed and valued and hoped for
all with the measure of love
and then, they are released.
God let me live there.

Let me go so often,
that my thought processing is changed.
That my view of others is changed
that their impact on me
(if any)
is changed.

Oh, God,
you are beautiful
and glorious
and so worthy of praise.

God's answer: Daughter, when you come away 
into my presence and set aside time to be with me and set aside thoughts of others to hear my voice it heals you.

Come often. There are many wounds to heal. My truth is the penetrating salve to sooth your fractured bones and grieving soul.

Let my truth be applied to your life, to your history, to your present, to your hopes and you will walk by the Spirit and you will live in peace.

My word will banish the lies spoken over you and pronounced over you in childhood, so many lies need an abundance of truth to break through.

Each new healing opens a door to new bondage and more healing. This is why you feel victorious and then held back. It's all part of the journey.

Be true to the Word. Let it live in 
you and work in you. Surrender 
often (your wounds) and I will 
cleanse and heal. 

Each scar is a testimony of our 
journey together  each a witness to 
our love (Father to daughter).

Protection is yours,
Healing yours,
My Word yours
freedom yours.

Tell of the wonders of my Truth
(in setting you free)
tell often.

Speak and write of valleys of despair
and the mountains of faith
(that give you perspective over them)
just as Caleb said "yes,
the giants are big, but God is bigger"
this is your testimony. 

Speak it well.

Listen diligently to me,
eat what is good,
and delight yourself in rich food.

"Incline your ear and come to me;
hear that your soul may live;
and I will make with an everlasting covenant,
my steadfast, sure love for David."
Isaiah 55:2-3

c. Kim Damon 2014 (Used by permission)

       Reasons to Smile   

Lisa BuffaloeSmiling today as I think of these facts…

God is full of Grace. His grace can wash any sin and every sinner clean.

God is a merciful God. He meets the sinner where they are and offers mercy.

God is a loving God. His love knows no bounds and is unfailing.

God comforts. His comfort meets in the depth of the deepest grief.

God meets your needs. Whatever needs you are needing, God is able to meet that need.

God listens. He hears when you call.

God is able. Nothing is impossible for God.

God strengthens. No matter how weak you may be, God’s strength never fails.

God won’t leave you. He is timeless and is in whatever time and whatever place you are.

God restores and redeems. Whatever you have lost, God restores and redeems.

God wins. There is nothing you have been through (or will go through) that God will help you through. The battles will come, but the final war is won. And at the end for those who are in Christ Jesus, receive a happy, forever ending.

And that small list is only a drop in the bucket.

Smile, God loves you!

  Lisa Buffaloe's Blog  Check out her other blog messages.

     Father, may I remember that Your strength is available to me at all times, and in every situation.
     Help me keep in mind that You love me unconditionally.
     I ask this in the precious Name of Jesus. Amen.

logoApril Showers bring May flowers...and a great sale from  Sharon Jaynes' book sale May 1-5, 2015

Today’s Bible verse: Obadiah 1:3a "The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee."

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Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse
Kindle $1.99

 A great gift for someone who
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My book in paperback $7.95
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