Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Art of Meditating

"And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at eventide . . . " (Gen.24:63). (See also, Ps. 104:34).

James H. Cagle: Meditation is something we decide and determine to do like we would any other responsibility.  It’s not something we find time to do, but something we make time for.  (Google image, Isaac)

Meditation is settling down at a regular time and in a place where we’ll not be disturbed and there purposely directing our thoughts, revolving our mind along the truths we’ve read in God’s Word for the express purpose of coming to a clearer understanding of the Word and a clearer revelation of the person of God. (Google image used)

Through meditation we come to great understanding and can then speak with wisdom (Ps. 49:3).

out Scripture people have meditated at different times of the day and night because they knew the value of meditating and did it on a regular basis.

Meditating on Scripture is still part of the formula for spiritual growth (Joshua 1:8; Ps. 1; 1 Tim.4:15).  

Nothing can take the place of meditation.  There’s no spiritual success without it.  This mental exercise is essential for spiritual power.

The Holy Spirit will not do our thinking for us, but will help guide and enrich our thoughts when we’re thinking right thoughts and our thoughts are on the right track.

Meditation and concentration are similar but different functions of the mind.  Concentration affords us the power to focus on that which our minds have picked up for meditating on.  

Concentration affords us the power to focus without distraction while our mind holds aloft for meditation that which we examine by turning it over with the fingers of our mind. 

We meditate when we select a certain truth as food for thought and hold those thoughts until they take root in our heart.

The Art of Meditatio
by James H. Cagle
(My emphasis added. Used by permission)

A Different Kind of Diet 

I recently discovered 
A different kind of diet; 
I hope that when you read about it 
You will want to try it. 

It nourishes your spirit, 
Gives your face a special glow; 
It reaches deep into your soul 
So peace and joy will grow. 

Just set aside ten minutes 
On your calendar each day, 
For time alone with Jesus 
To worship Him and pray. 

Cast all your cares upon Him; 
He’ll lighten up your load. 
With Him in charge of all you do 
You’ll walk a smoother road. 

Soon you’ll find you’ll crave more time 
Instead of wanting less. 
A diet of God’s daily Word 
Is guaranteed to bless. 

©Frances Gregory Pasch 
       (Used by permission)

An excerpt from my book:
Double Vision: Seeing God In Everyday Life Through Devotions and Poetry.” LPC


Let's pray-

   Father, as concentration affords us the power to focus without distraction on a truth we want to meditate on, we ask for direction in including this task into our everyday lives.

It can start to be a time of letting our cares be placed on Your shoulders, and to allow You to impress upon us the thoughts You have for us.

May it be true we'll learn to hold our thoughts You inspire long enough that they "take root" and become a part of our maturing in faith. I ask this in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Today's Bible verses-

(Prov. 16:3 KJV) "Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established."

(Prov. 3:5, 6 KJV) "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

Today's quotes-

"We too are called to withdraw at certain intervals into deeper silence and aloneness with God, together as a community as well as personally; to be alone with Him—not with our books, thoughts, and memories but completely stripped of everything—to dwell lovingly in His presence, silent, empty, expectant, and motionless. We cannot find God in noise or agitation." Mother Theresa

"Sit quietly in My Presence, allowing My Light to soak into you and drive out any darkness lodged within you."  (Taken from Jesus Calling, p. 294, 10/7/16 devotion).

Today's Spotlight sermons-

Grace Under Pressure series

CFC sermons You can check out many sermons, and select the ones of interest to you. Maybe you missed one . . .

Today's testimony-

   I [Jean] have witnessed God's provision in everyday happenings. He makes a way, when there seems to be no way, like moving on a judge to make a fair decision, providing ice for me, when I'd forgotten to bring some from home for the teachers refreshments for CFA, (home schoolers weekly get together). As I walked downstairs to check out the refrigerator in the kitchen, I simply said, "I'm looking for some ice, Father." There was a partial bag there in the freezer!

   The healing my friend's hand and an aunt's shoulder, by simply using the Name of Jesus... How about folks signing up to bring the refreshments for the CFA teachers? Isn't that His work, too? I think so, as He moved me to use the email addresses to send messages to the moms for what is needed. They're being very responsive in filling in the various slots in my notebook for the foods needed, for which I am thankful!

   I thank God for his help and provision, as I trust you do too! May our eyes become more aware of how the Lord moves in situations for us, and be more thankful.

Upcoming posts-

#61 The Prayer of Faith (Part 2)
11th- Tuesday's post by Dr. Wesley L. Duewel

#62 The Use and Command of Faith
13th- Thursday's post by Dr. Wesley L. Duewel

Your Friends Are Important
15th- Saturday's post by Jean Oathout

#63 The Command of Faith
18th- Tuesday's post by Dr. Wesley L. Duewel


Samples of Jean's crafts

31-day Devotional my personal story.

A sample verse from p. 46-

"As God is Love He'll make it clear
He wants to share this love.
His Voice He longs for you to hear
As softly as a dove."

(Published by Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. Used by permission).

 A great gift for someone who may need help 
to prepare for marriage, and for those in 
marriage, wanting some helpful advice.

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