Saturday, February 3, 2024



 Dave Brandon- "It was a natural step for Brett to attend a Chritstian college and study the Bible. After all, he'd been around people who knew Jesus his whole life — at home, at school, at church. He was even gearing his college studies toward a career in 'Christian work.' (Google image, Old country church)

  But at age twenty-one, as he sat with the small congregation in an old country church and listened to a pastor preach from 1 John, he made a startling discovery. He realized that he'd never truly received salvation in Jesus. He felt that Christ was tugging at his heart that day with a sobering message: 'You don't know Me!' 

   The apostle John's message is clear: 'Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God' (1 John 5:1). We can 'overcome the world,' as John puts it, (v4), only by belief in Jesus. Not knowledge about Him, but deep, sincere faith — demonstrated by our belief in what He did for us on the cross. That day, Brett placed his faith in Christ alone.

   Today, Brett's deep passion for Jesus and His salvation are no secret. It comes through loud and clear every time he steps behind the pulpit and preaches as a pastor— my pastor.

  God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. (vv 11-12) Whoever has the Son has life in Jesus. What a comforting reminder this is!

   Jesus, thank You for the gift of salvation and for those who pointed me to faith in You." Amen.

#22 Testimony- Aidan

   My Dad and I were sitting in the Suny Upstate Neurological ICU after my mother had suffered a stroke on December 31 at 5 a.m. We were praying for a miracle for God to heal her and for her to walk out of the hospital like Lazarus walked out of the tomb. 

   Things were not going according to OUR plans, though. I knew that my mom had been pressing into the things of God, but did not know for sure if she had taken the leap of faith and said ‘Yes'. I prayed that night out of fear, anger, sadness, and said to God, “If you send my mom to hell I will no longer serve you. I will walk away completely”

   Things did take a turn for the worse. When Dad and I were in the hospital at 2:30 A.M on January 1, we were faced with a decision on whether to allow a surgery, where she would be incapacitated for the rest of her life, with a feeding tube, nursing home etc.. or put her on comfort care and let her go Home in her own time. 

   Well, as her salvation was in question we waited and prayed and didn’t know what to do. At 1:06 P.M her Pastor called me and said that he needed to tell me something. On December 20th, she’d called him and told him that she had said “Yes" to Jesus. She did not know why it took her this long, and that she wanted everyone to say yes to Him too! 

   The sense of relief that I felt in that very moment was something I can’t even explain. It was God just showing His true Sovereignty over us. So we decided to put mom on comfort care, as she had expressed that she didn’t want to just be “alive”. So they took her off the Iv’s and the ventilator on Monday. She breathed on her own until Wednesday.  

    Dad and I curled up with her in the family room. We put her favorite worship song on, “The Blessing,” and she breathed her last while listening to that song. Needless to say I will not be listening to that song again! 

   The doctors found out she had 2 more spots on her brain that they were not sure what they were and could not check because we put her on comfort care. After a year’s battle with cancer, a stem cell transplant, and a stroke, we believed this was God's calling my mom to be with Him, free of pain, no more fighting, just worshiping our Savior for eternity. 

Recommended Reading-

  "God needed a man like John Wesley for a particular time, a specific place and a special purpose. Patiently He worked with this chosen instrument to awaken, convict and redeem a nation. God breathed on his weaknesses and abilities alike, giving him a hunger and thirst for holiness which would not be denied.
   Criss-crossing his country an incredible quarter of a million miles astride a horse, he preached at thousands of outdoor evangelistic meetings. In his own pulpit, Wesley's pastoral and teaching ministry filled the pews and spilled over to other congregations, eventually unifying into a srong church body.
   But the impact of John Wesley's life and ministry reaches far beyond the shores of England and the confines of Methodism. His witness to salvation and sanctification still shines through his hymns, his books, and through biographies such as this one."

1036-1040 One-line Scriptures for those of you who want to learn some more verses this week- or to review them from when they were first posted- 
1036- 1 Cor. 9:27a "But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection."

1037- Ps. 46:5 "God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early."

1038- Micah 6:8a,c "He hath shewed thee, O man . . . to walk humbly with thy God."

1039- 1 Cor. 6:11b "Ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God."

1040- Ps. 11:1a "In the LORD put I my trust."

#22 Hymn- This Is My Father's World
This song, This Is My Father's World, is taken from the book by Robert J. Morgan, THEN SINGS MY SOUL   (pg. 255)

~ Maltbie Babcock was arguably the most remarkable student Syracuse University had ever seen. He would have been successful at any profession, but God called him to the ministry; and after further training at Auburn Theological Seminary, he became pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Lockport, New York. This was a beautiful area--midway between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, not far from Niagara Falls--and Maltbie enjoyed hiking and running in the hills outside town.
Telling his secretary,"I'm going out to see my Father's world," he would run or hike a couple of miles into the countryside where he'd lose himself in nature.
When he was 42, his church presented him with a special gift--a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. With great excitement, Maltbie departed by ship. While enroute at Naples, Italy, he was seized with a deadly bacterial fever and died. After his death, his wife compiled his writings into a book entitled Thoughts for Everyday Living, Published in 1901. Included was Maltbie's "This Is My Father's World."

 Some encouraging words-

~ We are told to resist Satan and 
he will flee from us if we submit to the Lord Jesus' protection, name and blood as our strength! 

Upcoming posts:

 2/10- THE REBOOT OF GRACE- Adam R. Holz

17th- WHO AM I?- Bill Crowder

24th- DON'T LOSE HEART- Cindy Hess Kasper

The North Country Christian Fellowship Center Churches,

located in the St. Lawrence county of NY,

broadcast their Sunday services at 10 or 10:15

You can view past services too.

Sermon listing: 

This song, My hope is Built (The Solid Rock), is taken from the book by Robert J. MorganTHEN SINGS MY SOUL  

Edward Mote was born into poverty on January 21, 1797, in London. Somehow, when a teenager, he came to Christ. He eventually became a skilled carpenter and the owner of his own cabinet shop. He wrote down His thoughts: Onchrist the solid Rock I stand/ all other ground is singing sand. In the day he had four verses complete, and wrote them off.
   When he found out that his pastor's wife was ill, he took the verses to share with her. As it blessed her so much, he had a thousand printed for distribution.

Encouraging words-

~ Life is filled with uncertainties, but the good news is, that Jesus Christ is greater than any problem, circumstance, or situation. When issues seem too much to bear, we can pray, praise, and give thanks. He is always nearby and promises never to leave us. Keep your faith strong, and look for the glimmer of light, brighter days, and footing on solid ground!

Upcoming posts:

2/10- THE REBOOT OF GRACE- Adam R. Holz

17th- WHO AM I?- Bill Crouder

24th-  DON'T LOSE HEART- Cindy Hess Kasper

The North Country Christian Fellowship Center Churches,

located in the St. Lawrence county of NY,

broadcast their Sunday services at 10 or 10:15

You can view past services too.

Sermon listing:  

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