Saturday, September 7, 2024



Andrea Merrell-  "The teenager wept at the altar as I knelt by her. She said she wanted to be sure of her salvation. Although raised in a Christian home, she didn’t want to take salvation for granted.

We prayed, embraced, and she thanked me as the tears fell. This girl was now a child of God, without a doubt. (photo courtesy of

Later, I was called on the carpet so to speak by church leaders because this girl was the daughter of a long-time, respected deacon. Yet no one knew she had never accepted the Lord. Fortunately for me, I didn’t know her or who she was related to. But even had I known, we would have still prayed together.

Fast forward twenty-something years to another church service. Again, I was praying with someone at the altar when laughter erupted behind me. My husband sat on the front pew with one of our dearest friends—someone who had been a deacon, taught Sunday school, and served in church for over twenty-five years. His wife assumed he was a Christian. So did his children and all who knew him. He told us he had been pretending all those years, simply going through the motions. But he was tired of the pretense. He asked Jesus to be his Lord and Savior. From that day forward, there was no doubt.

Romans tells us that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. The key word here is call. We’re not automatically saved because we go to church or because we were raised in a Christian home. Salvation is a personal, intimate experience.

My daughter once told me she could no longer believe what I believed just because that’s what I expected. She wanted to learn and know about God and His Word for herself. Instead of feeling threatened and worried, I was ecstatic. She was ready to seek God on her own and quit “riding on her parents’ coattails,” as she put it.

First of all, be sure of your own salvation. If you can’t remember a time when you invited Jesus into your heart, do it again. Be confident in what you believe. And then, never take for granted that someone has a relationship with the Lord. When He prompts you to talk to someone or pray with them, don’t hesitate.

Their eternity might rest in your hands."

 "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:13 NIV

Don't Take Salvation for Granted!

  Andrea Merrell

(photo courtesy of

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

Let's pray-

     Father, when someone prays at the altar, may we not hesitate to join them. They  may be praying for salvation, even though it's looked like they were saved, being from a church leader family.
     We mustn't take it for granted that someone is saved, but allow them to make sure of it themselves. Their eternal home may be in question. Our willingness to pray with them, against any objection of family or friends, is important to them, as they make sure of their salvation.
     Romans tells us that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus will be saved. We see that the key word here is call. May we realize that just because we attend church servises, or have been raised in a Christian home, we're not automatically saved. It has to be a personal, intimate experience.
     May the readers of this message come to faith in Jesus themselves, and be sure of their eternity with You! Amen.

# 51- Words of wisdom from the trail- GrJean


10) Praying the Lord's prayer daily welcomes the Father to inhabit our world, and His will to be done!

Thanks for allowing me to share my thoughts!

1281-1285- One-line Scriptures for those of you who want to learn some more verses this week- or to review them from when they were first posted- 
1281- Pro. 25:9a "Debate your case with your neighbor himself."
1282- Is. 13:12a "I will make a mortal more rare than fine gold."
1283- Ps. 50:12b "The world is mine, and the fullness thereof."
1284- Is. 62:10c "Lift up a standard for the people." 
1285- Ps. 112:2b "The generation of the upright shall be blessed."

 #51 Hymn- O God, Our Help in Ages Past

The information about this song,  is taken from the book by Robert J. MorganTHEN SINGS MY SOUL   (pp 38, 39)

"Another hymn in Isaac Watts' 1719 Psalms of David Imitated is based on Psalm 90, and is perhaps Watts' mosts bracing hymn. It was played on the radio by the BBC as soon as World War ll was declared, and was later sung at the funeral service of Winston Churchill."

 Some encouraging words-

  If you don't know Christ as your Savior, you are drowning in sins you can't atone for, but Jesus already did! He wants you to ask Him for mercy, grace and peace. He'll give it to you. Come to Him. Call out to Him. Even if all you can manage is a sigh or a gasp. He'll hear it and answer you with His grace.

Upcoming posts:

 9/14- IN THE NAME OF CHRIST- Andrew Murray
21st-  SOMETIMES GOD SAYS NO- Ken Barnes
28th- WALKING ANEW- Patricia Raybon

The North Country Christian Fellowship Center Churches,

located in the St. Lawrence county of NY,

broadcast their Sunday services at 10 or 10:15

You can view past services too.

Sermon listing: 

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