Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sealed !

Stamp of Approval
"And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit." Ephesians 1:13

"Ka-thunk! Ka-thunk! The carved stone seal came down, ka-thunk, on each telephone bill.
I stood in a line of people at the China TeleCom office in a large Chinese city. We were queuing up to pay our monthly bills. As each person presented payment, the clerk’s official seal stamped the bill, ka-thunk, “Paid in full.”

The seal is an ancient Chinese tradition symbolizing power and authority. A Chinese emperor ruled the empire only when he was in possession of the imperial seal. He used the seal to put his stamp of approval on documents. Chinese artists use a seal as a signature on their art, showing that the work is a unique, artistic creation. Today, institutions, businesses, and individuals in China have official seals to confirm their identity.

As Sovereign God, Jesus has put His seal on those of us who have heard the truth of the gospel and turned to Him for forgiveness of our sins. He has promised to give us His Holy Spirit as the official seal indicating that our sin bill has been paid and the debt has been satisfied.

He seals us with an imperial stamp of approval; we are accepted entirely and fully because of Christ’s shed blood for us.

He seals us with His signature, indicating that we are His unique, artistic creation. He seals us and confirms our identity as belonging to Him for eternity.

When I presented by telephone bill, ka-thunk, my debt was paid, but echoing in the recesses of heaven, I heard the sweet voice of Jesus: “You are mine, uniquely created, covered with the blood of forgiveness, accepted forever, and sealed with my Spirit. Your debt has been paid in full.” Ka-thunk.
Accept the gift of paid in full.

Jo Ann Walczak was a middle and high school English teacher for thirty-one years. She taught spoken English in a public high school in China and has returned to China many times to minister in an orphanage. She is active in women’s Bible studies in her church and teaches ESL through the local literacy agency. She has two sons and five grandchildren.
Read Jo Ann’s devotions.

Sealed – Jo Ann Walczak

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