Sunday, August 26, 2012

Feet of a Deer

Here fishy, fishy, fishy

Jo Ann Walczak says, "God’s promises and loving kindness provided the only solution to my fear.

I was gifted with a dead bird, a variety of disemboweled mice, moles, chipmunks, and a squirrel which raced frantically around the living room. 

Callie, my calico feline, prowled our backyard with confidence and alacrity, the queen of her kingdom, the mistress of her fate.

One evening she outdid her usual hunting skills…and her self-assurance. 

I happened to be in the yard as a full-grown doe stepped over our back stonewall with Callie hard on her heels. 

This was a prize of stupendous proportions. Callie’s muscles were taut, her eyes bulged, every nerve alert to prey.

Despite my presence, the doe neither twitched nor bolted but allowed Callie to circle her and reconnoiter the situation.

The cat was nonplussed. Here was a problem which she could not master or control. Her mind and her mouth longed for the capture but could not contain it.

I have been in Callie’s place, facing a problem larger than my mind or spirit could grasp. 

I have stood in the shadow of the overwhelming. Lacking self-confidence and awash in confusion, my spirit flagged. In my own power I was helpless to fix, alter, or understand the problem.

With nerves throbbing and eyes dilated, I considered its enormity and my inability to control it, and there I collapsed into the loving arms of Jesus.

God’s promises and loving kindness provided the only solution to my fear. Praying, trusting, leaning and depending on Him, I inched through the problem. 

I learned His sufficiency to meet life’s great problems. He is trustworthy and able to save.

Callie’s 'problem' chose to stroll quietly from the yard. My problem lingered and sent me to the feet of Jesus who makes my feet like the feet of a deer and enables me to go on the heights.

"The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights." Habakkuk 3:19 NIV

The next time you face adversity or confusion, lean on Christ. Let Him meet the needs of your life."

Jo Ann Walczak was a middle and high school English teacher for thirty-one years.

 She taught spoken English in a public high school in China and has returned to China many times to minister in an orphanage. 

She is active in women’s Bible studies in her church and teaches ESL through the local literacy agency. She has two sons and five grandchildren.

Read Jo Ann’s devotions.

Feet of a Deer – Jo Ann Walczak

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