Monday, September 17, 2012

Lavish Grace

Max Lucado says, "So, how often do you sin, hmm…"
 "Worry is falling short on faith.  Impatience is falling short on kindness.  The critical spirit falls short on love.
 So, how often do you sin, hmm… in an hour? 

 For the sake of discussion, let’s say ten times an hour.  

Ten sins an hour, times sixteen waking hours, times 365 days a year, times the average life span of 74 years. 

 I’m rounding the total off to 4,300,000 sins per person!  How do you plan to pay God for your 4.3 million sin increments? 

You’re swimming in an ocean of debt.
But God pardons the zillion sins of selfish humanity.  

He forgives sixty million sin-filled days.  

He got us out of the mess we’re in and restored us to where He always wanted us to be. 

And He did it by the grace of Jesus Christ.

  Romans 3:23 says "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."

 From Great Day Every Day

Listen to UpWords with Max Lucado at 

"Great Physician, You know my heart. I bow
before You now and ask that You show me
any attitude or action that doesn't please You.
Make me clean; make me well."

God is the Measurer and Healer
of our spiritual health.
Our Daily Bread
June 30,2012

"If you struggle to believe, remember:
Just because you don't see God doesn't mean He doesn't exist.
He promises to be found by those who seek Him.Julie Ackerman Link
"I searched with all my heart to know
If God was really there;
He graciously revealed Himself,
His mercy, love, and care. 

Because God is great, He will be sought;
because God is good, He will be found."
Our Daily Bread
Jan. 19, 2012 

Today’s treasure truth #18: If you are “born again”, you are an heir of God and a joint heir w/ Jesus. Rom. 8:17

Our thought for today: Where is your life anchored? Jesus lives! Anchor in Him!

Tomorrow’s post: Blinded by Pride: Prayer Note #73  Dutch Sheets

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