Sunday, October 21, 2012

Facing the Fear of Failure

Andrea Graff tells us, "I recently ran a half-marathon. At the start of the race, I set a goal—finish in two hours.

For most runners, this wouldn’t be difficult. Coming off a foot injury, I knew it would be a challenge, but I was convinced I could do it.

My confidence weakened as the race continued. My pace slowed, and although I continued to push myself, I didn’t meet the time I wanted.

I was so upset with myself about missing my time goal, I’d forgotten to celebrate the fact I’d done it. I’d run a half-marathon.

No one likes to fail. But the truth is, failure happens.

No matter how close your life may be to the man-made standard of the American Dream, you’ll encounter some type of failure along the way.

 It’s okay. Our concern shouldn’t be if we fail, but rather how we fail.

The Bible reminds us God doesn’t ask His people for perfection; He asks them for progress. Just think about all the great men and women God used in the Bible—David, Peter, Mary Magdalene—the list goes on.

Each of them faced disappointment in their lives, but they didn’t let it hold them down. Instead, they recognized this truth. 

Success could only be obtained once they understood they weren’t a failure because they made a false step.

It’s the same with us. We can live out the dreams God’s given us in the midst of failure, but we must recognize failure is sometimes necessary for progress. 

Then we must be sure to keep both faith and joy in the midst of it. Remember, we aren’t being rejected in our failure—we’re being perfected by God.

Have faith in the midst of a stumble because you know you’re on your way to success. God will not let you down."

 "For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again, but the wicked are brought down by calamity." Proverbs 24:16 NIV

Facing the Fear of Failure – Andrea Graff

 Posted on by , Cindy Sproles of

Andrea Graff is a senior Convergence Journalism Major at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 

She is looking forward to moving to Victoria, TX, to work at Faith Family Church after graduation.

Read Andrea’s devotions.

Used by permission 

A popular post: RUNNING TO WIN   

John C. Maxwell: "Think about a recent setback you experienced. How did you respond? No matter how difficult your problems were, the key to overcoming them doesn't lie in changing your circumstances. It's in changing yourself." [from his book,"Failing Forward" pg. 9]

Tomorrow’s post:   No post on Monday
Today’s treasure truth #12: If you are “born again”, you are  daughter (son) of God. Rom. 8:14
Our thought for today: People dread (fear) so many things. If you do, STOP IT by facing it with the help of God, and overcome it! 

Samples of Jean's crafts


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