watchmen], “They watched for messengers
to inform the gatekeepers about when to open
the gates and when not to.
In those days runners were used to carry
messages from city to city, and the watchmen
would cry out when a friendly messenger was
Skilled watchmen could sometimes even
recognize the runners by their stride before ever
seeing their faces.
In 2 Sam. 18:27 the watchman said, The running…is like the running
of Ahimaaz.” Do you see any important symbolism here?
Seasoned watchmen are often alerted by the Holy Spirit, before
they ever have any concrete evidence, that certain ’messengers’
are not to be trusted.
They recognize ‘wolves’ sent to devour the flock, or ‘hirelings’ with
improper motives. They bring warnings to those in leadership.
They recognize them ‘by their stride,’ as it were- something just
doesn’t seem right. They sense and discern.
To be sure, we must guard against human suspicion and judging
after the flesh.
But I have learned to listen to my trusted watchmen (one of whom
is my wife) when they tell me they are uneasy about so and so.
They are usually right.
Most false doctrine, division and general destruction in the Body
of Christ could be averted if the watchmen would watch and the
leaders would listen! Peter speaks of this need in 2 Peter 2:1, 2:
“But false prophets also arose among the people, just as
there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly
introduce destructive hearsies, even denying the Master who
bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. And
Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way
of the truth will be maligned.”
Paul warned the Ephesians of it in Acts 20:28-31 Evidently they
heeded Paul’s advice for the Lord commended them in Revelation 2:2:
“I know your deeds and your toil and perseverance, and that
you cannot endure evil men, and you put to the test those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and found them to be false.”
Today’s Prayer Note #118 – Watching for Messengers, taken from
Dutch Sheets’ book, Intercessory Prayer (pgs. 241,242)
The next Prayer Note: 2/26 Watching for the Enemy #119
Let’s pray: Father, may I become a faithful watchman to be aware of
what is truth, and what is hearsay. My desire is to please You first of
all, and to be alert as to what You're revealing to me, that needs
attention. In Jesus' name. Amen
what is truth, and what is hearsay. My desire is to please You first of
all, and to be alert as to what You're revealing to me, that needs
attention. In Jesus' name. Amen
Our Scripture for encouragement: Rom. 8:16 [NASB] "The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are the children of God."
Today’s quote: Michael Books: ”The Word of God and the message of Jesus Christ is both incredibly simple and mind-boggling in its complexity. Where we are in our spiritual growth and maturity determines how many new concepts we can process and understand. This is true for all of us regardless of how much we think we know. The key when we witness to others is to make sure we speak at the level that person can understand and process.”
Our thought for today: Charles Finny said he'd rather spend some time with a few hypocrites in church, than eternity with all others.
{Anyone know why my font tends to change, when posted, from what I have in the draft?}
{Anyone know why my font tends to change, when posted, from what I have in the draft?}
Tomorrow's post: Her Ship Came in Celeste Vaughan
"Jean's poems are filled with practical advice that comes straight from the heart. Grounded in the truth of God's Word, she faithfully describes the beauty of the marriage between two people committed to each other and to God.: - Barbara Warren, author of The Gathering Storm.
A 31-day devotional book for
Women contemplating marriage
And looking for godly advice.
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