Jean Oathout – "We have opportunities to show love daily.
Some folks who are hard to love, challenge our ability to show them love.
I suppose at times others find us hard to love, as well.
Many people search for what unconditional love is, and they’re surprised at how it is acquired.
As Christians, we go through trials wishing and praying to be delivered from them, not understanding that it is in times like these, that we’re to seek wisdom as how to deal with the situation, and the people involved.
When trouble and heartache accompany hard times, we usually view them as frustrations and problems, but in fact, they’re actually opportunities to show love.
How is this possible?
In Mark Hanby and Roger Roth Sr.’s book, The PRAYER of LOVE, the reader is challenged to understand that loving someone in our trials is an opportunity to increase our ability to demonstrate unconditional love.
Let me explain: Real love comes to us from God, Who is love.
He wants to help us experience his love through His forgiveness of our sins in and through Christ.
He will then give us His Holy Spirit to help us extend His love to others when they offend or hurt us in some way.
As He’s forgiven us, we are meant to forgive others.
This is to our benefit, as unforgiveness only stirs up anger and resentfulness, which is contrary with God's Holy Spirit that indwells us.
Because God’s Holy Spirit comes to live in the born-again believers, we have His love available in us to extend to others.
As we spend time with the God of love, He imparts (or funnels) his love into us. God has given us the power of choice to do so.
This love from God enables us to grow in spiritual knowledge and judgment through His Word, by biblical preaching, teaching, and in reading His word ourselves.
We will learn to be excellent in all that we choose to do, as we submit to this, which is God's design for us, we will grow in the various fruits of the Spirit.
When we seek God’s love to fill us, we will begin to have never-ending love, which honors Christ’s work in us.
As we allow God’s love to flow in and through us, unconditional love will become a way of life"
David Roper tells us, “Authentic love is a gift from God that we can keep on giving.”
“Teach me to love as Thou dost love,
And let the whole world know
That Jesus Christ lives in my heart,
His glorious light to show. - Brandt
God pours His love into our hearts
to flow out to others.”
Our Daily Bread 11/26/12
Here's an unusual picture, showing mutual love...
Prayer: Father, I need to understand what You mean by unconditional love. Each time I face a difficult situation, I ask that You show me how to handle it, and how to speak and react with Your love. May I allow Your Spirit to love the unlovely through me. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Our Scripture today: Ps. 63:7, 8 (KJV) “Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice. My soul followeth hard after thee; thy right hand upholdeth me."
Today’s quote: David Egner "Jesus put some of society's less desirable people on His team - treating everyone the same. With the Spirit's power and guidance, we to can honor all people equally."
Our thought today: Triggers that are “buttons” that bring tears, are caused by any present event that can be associated with past conflicts.
Tomorrow’s post: The Corporate Dealings of God: Prayer Note #126 Dutch Sheets (Only three more posts left to go...)
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