Sunday, December 15, 2013

When We Cry Out to God

Dr. Charles F. Stanley tells us that "Crying out to God is the spontaneous response to an urgent need.

It differs from typical prayer, which involves periods of worship, petitioning, and intercession; this distraught call focuses entirely on one difficulty.

The problem can be heartbreaking news, a dangerous situation, physical pain, or spiritual confusion.

Whatever the cause, we seek immediate relief from God.

Like Peter sinking into the sea, we're saying, "Lord, save me!" 
(Matt. 14:30)

We call out desperately when bad news comes, because we acknowledge that only God has power to change circumstances.

And when we are walking obediently with Him, He will respond: if He does not alter the situation, He will replace fear with courage and confidence.

A cry to the heavenly Father is rooted in faith that He will answer His children.

Believers expect God to respond with clear direction, and without fail; He is trustworthy to answer.

Exodus 17 details how the Lord demonstrated His faithfulness at Horeb.

When the wandering Israelites again grumbles against their leader—Moses called out to God, "What shall I do to this people?" (v.4).

Instantly, the Lord replied with a solution that satisfied both the Israelites' thirst and Moses' despair.

Whether we are sinking in a sea of pain or anxiously seeking a taste of God's living water, the Lord hears our cries.

And He says again, "he will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue Him and honor him" 
(Ps. 91:15).

As found in the October magazine, IN TOUCH, pg. 46, and written by Dr. Charles Stanley  

(Google images added- used by permission 

I think you'll appreciate the following link to Jill Savage's message too, on the 6 Steps to Break a Bad Habit:

The post 6 Steps to Break a Bad Habit appeared first on Jill Savage. Nov. 25/2013

Jill Savage tells us on her blog, "I have some bad habits and laying my clothes on the bench at the foot of our bed is one of those.  

Mark is very kind and rarely addresses my pile of clothes, but even if they don’t bother him, they do bother me! 

Yet, I continue my bad habit nonetheless!
So I’ve been working on breaking my habit.
It’s not been easy, but I’m starting to experience some success!  As I’ve worked to change my habit, I’ve identified 6 steps to breaking a bad habit:
1) Identify the actual habit.  Sometimes we get overwhelmed with life, but we don’t stop to think about what is actually causing us to feel overwhelmed.  I was feeling overwhelmed walking into my bedroom.  When I dug into “why,” I realized that it was the pile of clothes at the foot of the bed."
   Check Jill's blog to read the rest of her informative message for us today. The post 6 Steps to Break a Bad Habit appeared first on Jill Savage. Nov. 25/2013

Do We Truly Hunger and Thirst for God?

by Lift the Cross of Jesus!
hiker map iStock_000002602685SmallDo we want to know God more than anything else in this entire world? Hang on because I want to share something with you today that will "jumpstart" your engine!
Was there a time in my life when finding His glory, His presence, His wonderful face was all that mattered to me? Perhaps daily cares have consumed my time, thoughts, and energy. Perhaps a sense of hopelessness has engulfed my heart due to circumstances or negative experiences. Will I dare to return?  Will I dare to believe again that if I truly seek Him with all my heart I WILL FIND HIM?
Or, if we've never known His fire, His glory, do we hunger and thirst for God today?"
Check out Hope Finchbaugh's full message to see what she shares further...

Do We Truly Hunger and Thirst for God?

Let’s pray:

   Father, when we come to the end of ourselves, help us call on You, to show us the way that's best to go for our good, and Your glory. 
   We ask now, for Your Spirit to move in our situation today, and in the future, when there will be great need. 
   We are confident in Your ability to intervene, and to help us walk through whatever comes our way. We know that You are aware of our every need, as well as our every desire. 
   We ask for Your enablement, so we can be victorious in our living. In the Name of Your Son, Jesus, we ask these things. Amen.

When David Churchill had found three-year-old Aidan Burke, he told the newspaper interviewer: "It was divine intervention.' I said a prayer and that prayer was answered. Dave Churchill would never be the same again. 

   I gained new strength in going to church, praying regularly for myself and my family and anybody going through a struggle. I've learned how to listen to God wherever I can, in the forest, at work, in my car. 
   And I've seen how he always hears. His answer can be a whisper in your ear, and urge to change direction, a nudge of guidance. And it can help you see that you should have seen, what plenty of others missed, what was right there in broad daylight."  (This was taken from "More Than a Hunch", in the December 2013 GUIDEPOSTS, pg. 65)

Today’s Bible verse: (John 16:23 b) "Whatever ye shall ask the Father, in my name, he will give it you."

Today’s quote:

Our Daily Bread“God gives by promise what we may take by faith.”

Some thoughts today:

   Inconveniences always accompany a divine burden. The call of the Lord is going to be inconvenient! You may have to deal with pain. A divine burden must be tied to a promise which gives a vision of reality. Hold onto the burden! The divine burden will die without action.

- When we repent of our sins, God cleanses us. Confess your sins, and get back in fellowship with Him. Let your motivation be to honor Him. Allow His love to be perfected in you.

- God sees what you do, and He will reward you. As you are free to live for Him, let your determination be to do all to the glory of God.

Tuesday’s post:  #45  The Issue of Church Growth  C. Peter Wagner
Thursday's post:   #46 The Issue of Personal Ministry  C. Peter Wagner  
Saturday's post:  Christmas...It's About the Cross  Sandy Kirby Quandt 
Sunday's post:  O, Come Quickly Lord Jesus  Rose Johnson

A popular post:   

Persevering Through Disappointments  "When you feel like disappointment will tear you down and wear you out…become strong through endurance and learn this is a life experience that helps you grow and mature." 

Samples of Jean's crafts

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