Thursday, March 27, 2014

#70 Recruiting Prayer Partners

C. Peter Wagner wants us to 
understand the importance of choosing
prayer partners that are a help, not a

"This may be the most vital chapter of the book, (PRAYER SHIELD), for many pastors and other Christian leaders who desire to see the power of personal intercession begin to flow through their lives and ministries.

Satan is not ignorant of the threat that intercession for pastors poses to his evil plans.

He wants to mess up pastors and neutralize their spiritual influence in their churches and their communities to the highest degree possible.

Intercessors, particularly the kind I have been describing, set back the enemy's work in a definite way wherever they go into action.

A well-known tactic the devil has all-too-skillfully employed in the past is to manipulate pastors into making poor choices of prayer partners.

This can and does short-circuit receiving personal intercession in two ways.

The first way the enemy uses to discourage intercession is to cause pastors to choose wrong intercessors who end up doing them more harm than good.

This is bad enough in itself, but it also leads to the second tactic. 

One bad experience can cause a pastor not only to give up on the concept altogether, but even to move from there and teach others that it is unwise.

One prominent leader I know rejected personal intercession for himself for years.

He taught many of his followers to reject it until recently God brought him into a close relationship with an intercessor who had high integrity and who caused him to change his mind."

#70  Recruiting Prayer Partners, in the 
series taken from C. Peter Wagner’s 
book, PRAYER SHIELDHow to 
intercede for pastors, Christian leaders 
and others on the spiritual frontlines.
139 & 140) by Regal Books

Let’s pray:

   Father, when we pray for our pastors and leaders, may we be careful to pray in earnest for them.

   May our own motives be laid aside, and may we be concerned that they be lead by Your Spirit to accomplish Your will and way for using them.

   I desire to be an effective prayer partner for my pastor and leaders, Lord. Help me sense their needs at hand.

   I ask this in Christ's precious Name. Amen.

Today’s Bible verse:  1 Chron. 4:10a "Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coasts."

Today’s quote: Max Lucado – ‘Scripture often describes our behavior as the clothes we wear. Peter urges us to be “clothed with humility” 1 Peter 5:5 NKJV. David speaks of evil people who clothe themselves “with cursing” Ps. 109:18 NKJV. Garments can symbolize character, and like his garment, Jesus’ character was seamless. Coordinated. Unified. He was like his robe: uninterrupted perfection.”

Some thoughts today: You can get saved, but there will come a time for full surrender.

- God's Word still burns in our bones! It is equipping and empowering!

- You can do what God tells you to do, or He can make you do it. It's your choice.

29th- Saturday’s post:  Releasing Secrets, Restoring Hope  Gwen Smith

30th- Sunday's post:  The Little Tent  Dave McCasland

4/1 Tuesday's post:  #71  Results of a Poor Choice  C. Peter Wagner

3rd- Thursday's post:  #72  Replacing the False Intercessor  C. Peter Wagner

A popular post: The Lightning Anointing: Prayer Note #84  Dutch Sheets continues, “Yes, at the Cross the counterfeit 'angle of light' met Mr. Light himself and nothing has been the same since!" (for comments)
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