Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Risk of Obeying God

Dr. Charles Stanley shares with us from his In Touch magazine of Nov. '13:

"As Christians, we can waste our lives standing on faith's shoreline, never venturing beyond ankle-deep water.

There we have little need for the Lord. After all, we are safe on the beach, far from danger of high waves and storms.

But believers who release themselves into deeper waters of obedience need God desperately.

By casting oneself farther offshore, the Christian relinquishes control of his life.

No longer can he pretend to determine his own fate, whether in regard to career choices, financial decisions, or church involvement.

God is Captain of the boat, whereas the believer is the obedient first mate.

Will storms come? Yes, Will the Captain at times make difficult requests? Yes.

Will the first mate sometimes feel scared? Yes.

But the surrendered believer experiences Christ more intimately than someone on shore can; he receives a boat-load of God's goodness and blessings.

Most churchgoers easily claim. 'I've yield my life to Christ.' 

To actually live out those words, however, is more difficult.

We want to cling to a measure of control in case God doesn't work events to our satisfaction.

Too many Christians are content merely to dip their toes into faith because they fear life might not tun out according to their plan.

But how much greater their loss will be if life doesn't turn out according to God's plan. He can do much more with a surrendered existence than a sheltered one.

The Christian life becomes exciting when we wade into water so deep that our feet no longer touch the bottom. 

Then we must stand on God's promises."

This is taken from Dr. Charles Stanley's ministry magazine, IN TOUCH, 11/13 pg. 42. 

(Used by permission.)

Let’s pray:

   Father, we ask for Your mercy and grace, as well as discernment, in following what we believe is Your will for us.

   When I have opportunity to advance in my faith, may I be quick to come to You for the guidance I'll need in any decision concerning it.

   May I be willing to "wade out into the deep" with Your leading me to investigate what my next venture is to be.

   Help me to seek the prayer support of trusted friends.

   In Christ's Name I pray, amen.

             Christ Is Risen      

Let’s look beyond the Easter scene
Of colored eggs and jelly beans.
Let’s set our eyes upon the Lord
And feast instead upon His Word.

Let’s not forget that we’d be lost
Had Jesus not died on the cross.
He nailed our sins upon the tree
And rose again so we’d be free.

So let’s sing out in jubilation!
Christ, alone, is our salvation.
Lord and Savior…Counselor, King,
Great Provider…Our Everything.

© Frances Gregory Pasch
     (Used by permission)

Today’s Bible verse: Haggai 1:7 "Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways."

Today’s quote: Gwen Smith – “Do I run to God all throughout my days and approach Him with confidence as one who is greatly loved? Do I trust that His gaze is fixed on me or do I believe the lie that He is distant, unseeing and uncaring? Do I focus on the mountains before me or on the Mountain Maker who is able to do exceedingly above and beyond what I can ask or imagine?”

Some thoughts today: Thank God there are those who believe in us, and who'll spend time with us, encouraging us and speaking to others of our worth.

- All of us have a past, and Satan brings it up to us, telling us people will not accept us, and that we don't have a place in our church. Don't you believe it! Ask God to reveal His will and plan for you, and contend for it!

- Do we see a gifting in others? Will we encourage them to exercise their gift? Do we go out of our way to encourage fellow Christians?

Tonight's post:  My God, He Was a Man  Pat Patterson

22nd- Tuesday's post:  #77 Seeking and Knocking C. Peter Wagner

24th- Thursday's post: #78  Forming a Team  C. Peter Wagner

26th- Saturday's post:  I Refuse to be Discouraged!  BJ George 

A popular post: Carry Me!  Janet Morris Grimes  "To be carried is effortless. The carrier does all the work. To be carried is to rest, trust, and wait, and the sooner we surrender, the sooner He can deliver us to safety." 

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