Sunday, May 25, 2014


David Roper shares with us: A few 
days ago, I spied my old friend Bob 
vigorously pedaling a bike at our 
neighborhood gym and staring down 
at a blood pressure monitor on his finger.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Looking to see if I'm alive," he grunted.

"What would you do if you saw you were dead?" I countered.

"Shout hallelujah!" he replied with a radiant smile.

Over the years I've caught glimpses of great inner strength in Bob: patient endurance in the face of physical decline and discomfort, and faith and hope as he approaches the end of his life journey.

Indeed he has found not only hope, but death has lost its power to tyrannize him.

"O Death, where is your sting?" 1 Cor. 15:55

Who can find peace and hope—and even joy—in dying?

Only those who are joined by faith to the God of eternity and who know that they have eternal life 1 Cor. 15:52,54.

For those who have this assurance, like my friend Bob, death has lost its terror.

They can speak with colossal joy of seeing Christ face to face!

Why be afraid of death? Why not rejoice? As the poet John Donne (1572—1631) wrote,
 "One short sleep past, we wake eternally."   David Roper

"Beyond the sunset, O blissful morning,
When with our Savior heaven is begun,
Earth's toiling ended, O glorious dawning;
Beyond the sunset, when day is done." Brock

For the Christian, dying is the last shadow
of earth's night before heaven's dawn.

Our Daily Bread 4/23/14

Praise the Lord for His Goodness!

Let’s pray: 

   Father, it is refreshing and awesome to know that we will travel to a more glorious place, once we die, because we have accepted the Lord Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

   My prayer is that many more will make that decision before they die, or before the Lord's return.

   Make me aware of other's needs, so I can speak to them in Your Love, to invite them to get to know You, Father, in the person of  the Lord Jesus.

   I ask this in His Holy Name, Amen.  

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Today’s Bible verse: Joshua 1:9 NIV "...Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

Today’s quotes: Anne Cetas - "When we're in the middle of suffering or when doubts start threatening out faith, what are our anchors? We could start with Joshua 1:5. Although our faith may feel weak, if it's anchored in God's promises and presence, He will safely hold us. 

Our Daily Bread - 5/21/14

"We have an anchor that keeps the soul
Steadfast and sure while the billows roll,
Fastened to the Rock which cannot move,
Grounded firm and deep in the Savior's love." —Owens

When we feel the stress of the storm
we learn the strength of the anchor."

Some thoughts today: God is all knowing and is the One we need 
for the answers we seek. He’s a life expert! Imagine what our 
lives would  look like if we always asked God for help first. We 
could avoid so many troubles and gain great vision, clarity, and
direction. It’s for a good reason that we are told to “pray 
continually.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18

- When condemnation comes to your mind from Satan, put it down, and say, "Get thee behind me, Satan!" Say: Yes, I have sinned, and I've asked God for forgiveness, and have asked Him to help me edify, exhort, and comfort others through my experiences.

25th- evening’s post:  Christ in the Storm  David McCasland

27th- Tuesday's post:  #87 Close Relationship with God  C. Peter Wagner

29th- Thursday's post:  #88  Receive Words from God  C. Peter Wagner

31st. Saturday's post:  Feelings vs. Truth  Kandy Wooter

A popular post:   INTERCESSORY PRAYERS, 
by Dutch Sheets Check out the 128 links, to find helpful
posts for your prayer ministry.

Beautiful! Created for us
to enjoy! (for comments)
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Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse  
Kindle $2.99 A review would be appreciated.
Bridal Shower Devotional: Bridal 
Wisdom for Women

Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse 
My book in paperback $7.95 (Check
 out the Reviews on the Kindle page 
of my book)

Wisdom for Brides (Christian 
Marriage, Counseling, & Help) 
(Volume 1)


  1. Great article. I remember waking up after a coma after almost dying. I l knew that if I died I had the peace of Salvation in Christ. I always thought Hallelujah, I will be home if I die.That's is where I finally want to be.

  2. It must be that the Lord still needed you, my friend, as you're still alive and kicking! God bless you with many more years of productivity. I'm 80, and starting a new book, Healing Thoughts and Prayers for Families! A great way to use the wisdom I've gained all my years, I do believe.
