Saturday, May 24, 2014

Encouragement Matters!

Cathy Baker tells us: "Some people are dangerously near compromising their faith. A word of encouragement from you may put them back on track."Chuck Swindoll 

I'd just posted Why Everyone Needs An Encouragement Folder last Monday when I spotted the above quote on Facebook. Chuck's words struck a chord because I know the power of encouragement firsthand and perhaps you do as well. 

Biblical encouragement isn't fluff that soothes momentarily but rather, sincere words and actions that linger, resulting in healing, and a spiritual boost that only God can measure. I'm still learning how to shift from giving surface-type compliments to offering genuine soul-stirring encouragement. Here are a few things I'm learning along the way:

Focus on the internal. What actions are we seeing in others? Do we see a servant's heart? If so, we need to share the specific ways we see Christ-in-action through their lives. And if it's in front of someone they respect, even better.

Celebrate! Maybe it's someone in our youth group, life group, neighbor, or co-worker. Have they conquered a hurdle in their lives? Received a promotion? Graduated? Let's take them out for coffee, send a card, or share a small meaningful gift that represents the reason for the celebration. 

Be present. We all fall short of God's glorious standard. It's not a matter of if we or others will fall at times, but when. It's a crossroad for not only the person off track, but for those who surround him/her as well. So here's the question: When this happens, will we quietly fade into the background because it's the easiest, cleanest thing to do or will we, instead, choose to come alongside that person, love them unconditionally, and continue to point them back to Jesus? We may be the only representation of Living Water during their driest season.

In Acts 4:36, Luke translates Barnabas to mean "son of encouragement." The original Greek word for "encouragement," paraklesis, means consolation, exhortation, and comfort. Apparently, the apostles who gave Joseph the name Barnabas, saw these qualities in his character. 

When Jesus sees us does He see these qualities? Could we be known as a son or daughter of encouragement?

"Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope, comfort you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say." 2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17

Posted: 28 Apr 2014 02:00 AM PDT

Please pray with me:

   Father, I know now that I need to take more seriously the words of encouragement, which I receive for what I do.

   I ask for the encouragements that are needed to keep me focused on Your will in my life.

   Help me to remember that they come because You've moved on someone to send them.

   May I honor You, so You'll receive the glory and praise for all I do for the Kingdom.

   When opportunities come to encourage others, may I be quick to respond with some words that build them up, and point them to Jesus.

   I ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.   

Today’s Bible verse: Ps. 138:8 "The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me; thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands."

Today’s quotes: Dave Roper - "Listening is hard work, and it takes time. It takes time to listen long enough to hear the other person's true heart, so that if we do speak, we speak with gentle wisdom. O, Lord, give us a loving heart and a listening ear."

Our Daily Bread When I'm thinking about an answer while others are talking —I'm not listening.'  5/22/14

Some thoughts today: Build your marriage, as it sets the course for your future. As there are no perfect parents, do the best you can, while looking to God for guidance. Don't be afraid to ask for help from good examples placed around you. Check out  my post on 4/29/13  God's Take on Marriage 

- As a parent, walk in faith, believing that the Lord is always with you, and He will inspire you, as to what to do, think, and to say... Trust Him to visit your children through your vision, sacrifice, and courage, and lay them on the altar.

- Step out in faith, and God will give you the courage to follow through the instructions you receive from others of faith. God gives us encouragement when we need it!

25th- Sunday’s post: Shout HALLELUJAH! Dave Roper

25th- Sunday evening's post: Christ in the Storm David McCasland

27th- Tuesday's post:  #87 Close Relationship with God  C. Peter Wagner

29th- Thursday's post:  #88 Receive Words from God  C. Peter Wagner

A popular post: Chipping and Painting Penny Hunt advises us to let God repaint you. "My teenage granddaughter loves nail polish. Blue, neon pink,..." (for comments)

Samples of Jean's crafts
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1 comment:

  1. Awesome word for today. I really needed to be encouraged today. Great post. Thanks for sharing. I'm sure plenty of people needed this today I did.
