Thursday, May 22, 2014

#86 The Gift of Intercession

C. Peter Wagner shares with us from 
his book, PRAYER SHIELD: When God 
calls members of His   family to a certain 
task or ministry, He provides them 
with the supernatural gifting to 
accomplish it according to His will.

For those He has called to the upper step 
or into the throne room as intercessors, 
(see #85  A Profile of Personal 
IntercessorsHe has provided what like
 to call the spiritual gift of intercession.

I described this concept in detail in chapter 2, indicating there that those with the gift of intercession ordinarily pray from two to five hours a day. (see my post, Intercession as a Spiritual Gift.

The only exceptions I have found are working mothers with young families who would pray more that two hours if they could, but truly cannot carve the time out of their schedules.

Even so, they rarely let a day go by without praying at least one hour.

I was comforted not too long ago when I learned I was not the first to suggest something we can regard as a legitimate spiritual gift of intercession.

None other than St. John Chrysostom 
of the fourth century saw it also.

In his commentary on Romans he mentions the gifts of prophecy, miracles, tongues, and then says, "There was also a gift of prayer...and he who had this prayed for all the people."

He said that those who had the gift were known by much interceding to God, many mental groanings, falling before God, and "asking the things that were profitable for all."

The two chief characteristics I have seen of those with the gift of intercession is that they love to pray and they see the results of their intercession.

Spiritual gifts frequently come in mixes, and certain pairings of gifts are very common such as pastor and teacher.

Many of those I know with the gift of intercession also have been given spiritual gifts of prophecy (including what some call "word of knowledge" and discernment of spirits. 

Whether this is true across the board I do not know, although i would not be surprised if it is.

#86 The Gift of Intercession, in the 
series taken from C. Peter Wagner’s 
book, PRAYER SHIELDHow to 
intercede for pastors, Christian leaders 
and others on the spiritual frontlines. 
(pgs. 163-164) by Regal Books

Let’s pray:

   Father, it looks as if our responsibility to pray for our pastors and leaders is yet more defined for us.

   I want to serve them, and You, so ask that You inspire me to uphold them each day.

   I know that my individual prayers are effective, when I am in good standing with You, so help me keep strong in my faith, please.

   I understand that reading the Bible is the best way to stay strong in my faith, as well as attending a Bible-preaching church.

   May we seek out such a church, if we don't now attend one. I ask this all in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Today’s Bible verse: Matt. 5:16 "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.."

Today’s quote: Gwen Smith Friend, we need to turn away from our broken cisterns and turn toward the springs of living water. From stagnant waters to the Living Water. The Bible tells us that confession is the path to the spring of living water. When we eliminate the things that clutter our faith – the broken things we trust in – and place our faith in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, God’s heart swells with mercy, compassion and grace toward us. He forgives and strengthens us.

Some thoughts today: When we read and hear God's Word, He can then bring it to mind, whether we're journaling, speaking, or praying.

- God calls us to lay some things down, which aren't part of what He intends for us.

- Will you be obedient to God, and not let material things seem more important to you than Him?

- Will you let what others say seem to be more important to you?

24th- Saturday’s post:  Encouragement Matters!  Cathy Baker

25th- Sunday's post:  Shout HALLELUJAH!  Dave Roper

25th- evening's post:  Christ in the Storm  David McCasland

27th- Tuesday's post:  #87  Close Relationship with God  C. Peter Wagner

A popular post: Crisis Always Reveal Character  “Those who have loss of character make a choice.” –Cindy Kasper  “It isn’t the tranquil and placid seas that bring out the sailor’s skill; It’s the wind and waves that pound his ship and toss it about at will. --Ritter
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