Saturday, June 28, 2014


Joe Stowell shares with us, "A recent
study that I read concluded that smiling 
can be good for your health.

Research shows that smiling 
slows down the heart and reduces 

But smiling isn't just good for you 
genuine smile blesses those on
the receiving end as well.

Without saying a word, it can tell others that you like them and that you are pleased with them.

A smile can hug someone with love without giving them even the slightest touch.

Life does not always give us 
a reason to smile. But when we 
see a heart-felt smile on a 
child's face or through aged 
wrinkles, our hearts are 

Smiles are also a hint of the image of God in us.

In the ancient blessing recorded in the book of Numbers we get an indication that God 'smiles':

   "The LORD make His face shine upon you, and be 
    gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance 
    upon you, and give you peace"  Num. 6:25-26.

Those words are a Hebrew idiom for the favor of God on a person's life, asking God to smile on His children.

So today, remember that you are loved by God, and that He is pleased to be gracious to you and to shine His face upon you."

"Lord, may my life be so pleasing to You that You are pleased to have Your face shine on me. And as You graciously smile on my life, may I find someone today with whom I can share Your love through a smile.

Your smile could be a message of cheer
from God to a needy soul."

Our Daily Bread 6/18/14

(Google images and emphasis added)

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Let’s pray:

   Father, as life doesn't always 
give us a reason to smile, may
we remember that we can smile 
because of who we are in Christ.

   It is good for us to smile, as it is
a benefit to our physical welfare.

   I want to become more friendly to
those around me, so please help me 
remember to smile at folks every 
chance I have.

   I ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen

I invite you to check out the above link, to see the many interesting topics of the many Christian Poets and Writers. 

Today’s Bible verse: Ps. 19:14 "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer."

Today’s quote: Penny a.k.a - “The person with a teachable spirit is confident in who they are while being aware of their limitations, level of knowledge, and abilities. People with a teachable spirit are those who happily say, “Wow, I didn’t know that. You learn something new every day, don’t you?” 

They can laugh at themselves when they make a mistake and are willing to give it another try when they fail. A teachable spirited person will seek help, instruction, and guidance before tackling a problem and not blame others for some disastrous results.”

Some thoughts today: Unmarried folks are a part of God's Kingdom. Get the right message. Singleness is a gift from God for service. Someone can serve without distraction, as there's a sense of release, if not married.

- Find a place to serve Christ today where you are. Find the purpose in God's plan for you.

- Good question: Is the person you're considering to marry some day, one who can walk with you in what God wants you to accomplish? Is there a common vision? If not, beware, as trouble may very well lie ahead. (see 2 Cor. 6:14)

29th- Sunday’s post:  Pride (how to deal with it)  James Cagle

29th- evening's post:  God's Under the Bed  GodVine

July 1st- Tuesday's post:  #97  The Rewards  C. Peter Wagner

3rd- Thursday's post:  #98  How to Pray for Pastors  C. Peter Wagner

An interesting post: What's the Plan?   Mary Southerland 
tells us, “I want to be successful – don’t you? And the 
awesome news is that God wants us to be successful as 
well. When we know and seek God's perfect plan for our lives, 
we will find success."

Oh, to have the simple
joy of a baby again! (for comments)

Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse 

Kindle $2.99  Bridal Shower Devotional 
(Wisdom for Women planning to get married)

Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse 
My book in paperback $7.95
Wisdom for brides (Christian Marriage, 
Counseling, & Help) (Volume 1)
Where authors and readers come together!

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