Thursday, October 2, 2014

#4 Occult -level Spiritual Warfare

C. Peter Wagner continues with
his teaching on demonic power:

It seems evident that we see a kind 
of demonic power at work through 
shamans, New Age channelers, occult
practitioners, witches and warlocks, satanist priests, fortune-tellers and the like.

This is substantially different from the ordinary demon who may cause headaches, marital blowups, drunkenness or scoliosis.

When the apostle Paul was in Philippi, a demonized fortune-teller annoyed him for many days until he finally cast the spirit out of her.

This apparently was something different from the ordinary demon because the event caused such a political commotion that the missionaries were jailed (see Acts 16:16-24).

Not too many years ago, Christians in the United States were fairly ignorant of this occult-level spiritual activity.

Some did not even seem to pay a great deal of attention to Nancy and Ronald Reagan using an astrologer as a consultant for presidential-level decision-making in Washington.

The fact that Governor Michael Dukakis had named a woman as official witch of the state of Massachusetts may not have been a major reason why evangelicals did not vote for him for president.

Few at that time had much information about occult- level spiritual warfare.

Things are changing, however. Word that the number of registered witches in Germany exceeds the number of registered Christian clergy is startling.

A missionary to France reports that more French people who are sick consult witch doctors than medial doctors.

Hard data are elusive, but in all probability the most rapidly growing religious movement in America is the New Age.

Excellent books such as Russell Chandler's Understanding the New Age (Word Inc.).

Paul McGuire's Supernatural Faith in the New Age (Whitaker House) and Evangelizing the New Age (Servant Publications), are raising our level of consciousness and concern about occult-level spiritual warfare.

The cover of the April 29,1991, Christianity Today shows demonic power coming to earth from a full moon.

Mark I. Bubeck's The Satanic Revival (Here's Life Publishers) documents much of what is happening in the United States and offers suggestions for Christian action.

Warfare Prayer
#4 Occult-level Spiritual Warfare
By C. Peter Wagner
(pgs. 17, 18) Regal Books

Prayer for your pastor: Priorities. "Lord, give my pastor wisdom to prioritize the tasks of each day. Guard my pastor against the tyranny of the urgent, and help him/her discern what is most important" (Ps. 90:12; 2 Cor. 11:14; 1 John. 4:1). (Scripture-Based Prayers to Pray for your Pastor by Terry Teykl)

Let’s pray: 

   Father, as some have not even seemed 
to pay a great deal of attention to what's
going on in the world by various groups,
please help us educate ourselves,
so we will
be more effectiv
e in our praying about their effects on people.
   May some of the above mentioned books be helpful in this endeavor.
   Thank You for having Mr. Wagner give us so much information to help us understand the works of those who are trying to destroy what You're doing in our country, and in others.
   I ask this in the Name of Jesus, our Savior. Amen.

Today’s Bible verse: Ps. 92:19 "Lift up thyself, thou judge of the earth: render a reward to the proud."

Today’s quote: Mary Southerland – “We live in a broken world and life is filled with pain, challenges, dark times and trials, but today can still be a day of thanksgiving and praise because praise and thanksgiving have little to do with our circumstances and everything to do with our inner attitude toward God. It really doesn’t matter how much we lose here, [my friend]. I have read the Book and we win … for all of eternity! We just need to take the time to remember … and give thanks.

Some thoughts today: We need to hear God's answer to our needs. He has what we need!

- Confess your need. Believe He can supply it. Wait for it. (I was in need of yellow leaves for my crafts recently. I had many greens and reds, but very few yellow or orange ones. I asked God for some, so looked for a tree with yellow leaves for several weeks. When I saw one on our church's property Sunday, I returned later and harvested a large hand full! God is a God of "more than enough!"

4th-Saturday’s post:  Why Perform Acts of Kindness
Jean Oathout

5th- Sunday's post:  But I Don't Feel Like Forgiving
Mary Southerland

7th- Tuesday's post:  #5 Strategic-level Spiritual Warfare
C. Peter Wagner

9th- Thursday's post:  #6 The Focus of WARFARE PRAYER
C. Peter Wagner

A popular post: Pride (How to deal 
with it) James Cagle shares these
thoughts with us on pride:

Oh, how loving and kind the Spirit;
How compassionate as well the hand,
That points out the wicked sin of pride
That resides in the heart of ev’ry man.

Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse  
Kindle $3.99

Bridal Shower Devotional
Bridal Wisdom for Women

Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse 
My book in paperback $7.95

Wisdom for Brides (Christian
Marriage, Counseling, & Help) 

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