Sunday, August 5, 2018

#36 Intercession Improves Ministry

C. Peter Wagner, from his book, PRAYER SHIELD, tells us "It is not a simple matter to conduct the type of research that proves or disproves the power of prayer.

However, Nancy Pfaff, an intercessor, church growth consultant and founder of Nevada Church growth has attempted it. 
(Google image, Praying pastors). 

She designed a research instrument as a project in graduate school and surveyed 130 pastors, evangelists and missionaries.

Intercessors trained through Iverna Tompkins Ministries of Scottsdale, Arizona, agreed to pray 15 minutes a day for one of the 130 leaders over an entire year.

About 89 percent of those surveyed indicated that the prayer had caused a positive change in their ministry effectiveness.

The reported more effectiveness in the use of their particular spiritual gifts, a higher level of positive response to their ministry, more discernment and wisdom from god, increased wholeness and completeness in Christ, improved attitudes, more evidence of the fruit of the Spirit, better personal prayer lives and heightened leadership skills.

Pfaff's research also uncovered some important variables.

She found that daily prayer for leaders was more effective than weekly or monthly prayer.

Also, persistent prayer was shown to be important.

She reports, 'Where intercessors stopped praying for their assigned leader after a few weeks, the leaders indicated no significant positive change in their lives and ministries during that year.'

Intercession also seems to help church growth.

Nancy Pfaff found that of 109 pastors covered by intercessory prayer, 60 percent indicate concomitant growth of their churches.

A pastor from Pennsylvania testifies, for example, that in the 12-month prayer experiment period his church grew from 15 to more than 600.

No wonder Pfaff says, 'There exists a tremendous reservoir of untapped prayer power in every church which can be affirmed, trained, and deployed to see the lost won, the apathetic revived, the 'backslider' restored, and the committed made more effective.

Pastors and other Christian leaders are needy people. But they are God's chosen ones to move His Kingdom forward. Faithful and intelligent intercession can release them to be all God wants them to be."

Today’s post - #36 Intercession Improves Ministry, in the series taken from C. Peter Wagner’s book, PRAYER SHIELD, How to intercede for pastors, Christian leaders and others on the spiritual frontlines. (pgs. 74-75) By Regal Books

Let’s pray:

   Father, we have to admit that our prayer support hasn't been all it should be for the support of our pastor(s). Please forgive us, and guide us in learning how to become faithful prayer partners for them. Our response needs to be immediate and what You lead us to do. May our desire match what You're directing on their behalf. It is necessary that we begin to sense the burden of what they go through, and what they're facing daily. Make it plain, so we can help them become all You intend for them to accomplish as our leaders. In the Holy Name of our Savior, Jesus we pray, amen.

Today’s Bible verse: Zech. 110:12 NIV "I Will strengthen them in the LORD and in his name they will walk,' declares the LORD."

Today’s quote:

Mary Southerland – “Careless words can cause such grief. Unless strained through discipline and holiness, words can convey false perspectives and untruths. However, the right word, spoken at the right time and in the right way can bring order in the midst of confusion and light on a very dark path. I believe God gives us spiritual “radar” so we can assess a situation and speak the right word for that circumstance. We just need to check the “radar screen” before we speak.”

Some thoughts today:

~ Spiritual gifts can be instrumental in the building up of the local Body of Christ. There are gifts of wisdom, knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, different kinds of tongues which are for building our church body up.
Your past experiences prepare you for your divine burden from God.

Saturday's post: A Happy Have-Not  Faye Field

Sunday's post:  The Price of Integrity  Nate Stevens

Tuesday's post:  #37 Secrets of Pastors' Prayer Lives  C. Peter Wagner

Thursday's post:  #38  How Much do Pastors Pray?  C. Peter Wagner

A popular post:    

The Mutual Blessing of Encouragement "How do you handle your opportunities to encourage? Who do you know right now who could use some time and attention?" 

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