Saturday, February 26, 2022

#39 Prayer Defeats Satan


   Alvin Vandergriend- "Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. (v. 32) But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." (Luke 22:31-32.)

   There are two powerful forces at work in the world today — the power of God and the power of Satan. The power of God is infinitely greater, but we are affected by both. (Google image, Jesus talking with Peter)

   Satan, bent on our destruction, goes about "like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour" (1 Peter 5:8). God, intent on our salvation, supplies "everything we need for life and godliness" (2 Peter 1:3).

   Since Satan's power is greater than ours, we are constantly at risk. Paul reminds us that we struggle "against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil" (Ephesians 6:12). But since God's power is greater than Satan's, we are safe in God's hands. God is our constant source of protection.

   Prayer is the God-given means by which God's power is brought to our defense so that we can stand up against the devil's schemes. When Peter was being severely tested by Satan, Jesus came to his defense with prayer. He said, "I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail."

  We are engaged in a war that we must fight on our knees. Prayer is the power by which we are equipped to overcome the devil. To face him in our own strength is folly and a sure pathway to defeat.

   The devil dreads our prayers more than anything else. A mighty prayer warrior once said, "Do you realize that there is nothing the devil dreads so much as prayer? His great concern is to keep us from praying. He loves to see us 'up to our eyes' in work — provided we do not pray. He does not fear if we are eager Bible students — provided we are little in payer.

   Someone has wisely said, 'Satan laughs at our toiling, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray" (The Kneeling Christian. p. 17). 

   It's no wonder that Satan trembles. By means of prayer the power of the omnipotent God of heaven and earth is brought against him. He doesn't stand a chance.

   By prayer the kingdom of God is built, and by prayer the kingdom of Satan is destroyed. Where there is no prayer, there are no great works and there is no building of the kingdom. Pray much so that God may be glorified and His kingdom my come in all its fullness.

(pp. 100, 101 in Love to Pray- 40 Day Devotional for Deepening Your Prayer Life by Alvin Vandergriend) 

Let's pray-

    Father, we ask that You make us aware of the effect that we're having on Satan's attempts to defeat us in our war against him. Open our spiritual eyes to see how he is attacking friends now, and who needs our supporting prayers.

   It is best that we pray, keeping personal opinions to ourselves, as they matter little to others. What Satan is afraid of is our kneeling in prayer for the Spirit's help to defeat him!

   Our thanks goes out to You, our Mighty God, as we acknowledge that You destroy the works of the devil and protect Your children! May we understand more fully, that we must make use of prayer as a weapon to defeat Satan and to help advance Christ's kingdom.

   We commit ourselves to prayerfully supporting the people around us who are under attack by the devil. Let our prayers be effective in the warfare against him! Make us aware of the needs that You want us to pray about.

   We ask this in the Mighty name of Jesus, our Savior. Amen.

636-640 one-line Scriptures for those of you who want to learn some more verses this week- or to review them from when they were first posted- 
636- Ps. 90:16 "Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children."

637- Prov. 6:23 "For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and the reproofs of instruction are the way of life."

638- Acts 22:21 "And he said unto me, Depart: for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles."

639- Prov. 18:24 "A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly; and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."

640- Prov. 15:3 "The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good."

Our quote for today-

~ C. Samuel Storms- "Who, then, pleases God with his prayers? The person who pleases God is the believer, young or old, male or female, who prays reverently, yet with all the confidence of a child who know the fullness of his father's love. This is the Christian who does not play at prayer, but with sincerity of heart pursues God's heart. Humble and obedient, disciplined and diligent, are words that aptly describe the person whose prayers bring a smile to God's face." [p. 119 in  REACHING GOD'S EAR)

Words of wisdom-

~ Our language is a key to the kingdom. What we say comes from our hearts, and which we'll reap from, with either good or bad results. We can either build up or tare down those we speak with. Even our speaking negatively to ourselves causes depression. When we speak affirmingly on the other hand, it causes us to have hope in better days ahead! If we'll give the Lord opportunity to heal our bodies, minds and emotions through Scriptures we read and claim as our own, we'll see the difference it makes!

Today's Popular post-

Revival in Hereford, Texas

C. Peter Wagner shares from his book, PRAYER SHIELD- 

"One of the first real life experiences of the power of personal intercession I heard came from my friend Larry Lea.

He had just finished seminary and was serving as youth minister in Beverly Hills Baptist Church in Dallas.

The church was growing well, and so was Larry's youth group. He had 1,000 teenagers in his group and it was one of the largest in the area. It was then that he received his first invitation to do a citywide evangelistic crusade."

Upcoming posts:

3/5- #40 Prayer Changes History
    Alvin Vandergriend

12th- #16 Your Indwelling Prayer Partner (reposting)
    Dr. Wesley L. Duewel

19th- #18 The Holy Spirit Will Add Special Depth, Power  (reposting)
   Dr. Wesley L. Duewel

The North Country Christian Fellowship Center Churches,

located in the St. Lawrence county of NY,

broadcast their Sunday services at 10 or 10:15

You can view past services too.

Sermon listing:



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