Saturday, July 20, 2024



-Winn Collier- On December 30,1862, the US Civil War raged. Union and Confederate troops camped seven hundred yeards apart on opposing sides of Tennessee's Stones River.

   As they warmed themselves around campfires, Union soldiers picked up their fiddles and harmonicas and began playing "Yankee Doodle." In reply, the Confederate soldiers offered "Dixie." Remarkably, both sides joined for a finale, "Home, Sweet Home" in unison. Sworn enemies shared music in the dark night, glimmers of an unimagined peace. 

  The melodic truce was short-lived, however. The next morning, they put down their fiddles and picked up their rifles, and 24,645 soldiers died.

   Our human efforts to create peace inevitably wear thin. Hostilities cease in one place, only to ignite somewhere else. One relational dispute finds harmony, only to be embroiled in distress again months later.

   The Scriptures tell us that God is our only trustworthy peace-maker. Jesus said it plainly, "In me you . . . have peace" (John 16:33). We have peace in Jesus. While we participate in His peacemaking mission, it's God's reconciliation and renewal that make real peace possible.

   Christ tells us we can't escape conflict. "In this world [we] will have trouble," Jesus says. Strife abounds. "But take heart!" He adds, "I have overcome the world" (v. 33). While our efforts prove futile, our loving God (v.27) makes peace in this fractious world.

Let's pray-

   Father, show us the way of peace, please. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen!

# 46 Quote from QUIET TALKS ON PRAYER - by S. D. Gordon

   "The basis of prayer is right relationship with God. Prayer is representing God in the spirit realm of this world. It is insisting upon His rights down in this sphere of action. It is standing for Him with full powers from Him. Clearly the only basis of such relationship to God is Jesus. 
   The blood of the cross is the basis of all prayer. Through it the relationship is established that under-lies all prayer. Only as I come to God through Jesus to get the sin score straightened, and only as I keep in sympathy with Jesus in the purpose of my life can I practice ptryer." (pg. 90) QUIET TALKS ON PRAYER - by S. D. Gordon

Recommended Reading-


"Confused about prayer's real power? Baffled because of your unanswered prayers? Shackled with doubts . . . hesitant . . . maybe just a little afraid of honesty
—between you and God?

Read these QUIET TALKS ON PRAYER for a new understanding and fresh, strength-giving insights into what can be man's greatest source of power . . . and live."

1256-1260 One-line Scriptures for those of you who want to learn some more verses this week- or to review them from when they were first posted- 
1256- Ps. 13:3a "Consider and hear me, O LORD my God: lighten mine eyes."
1257- Ps. 147:1a "Praise ye the LORD; for it is good to sing praises unto our God."
1258- Ps. 1:6a "For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous."
1259- Ps. 33:2a "Praise the LORD with harp."
1260- Ps. 11:5a "The LORD trieth the righteous."

  #46 Hymn- No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus


 Some encouraging words-

   Jesus doesn’t want us to worry about the burdens and cares of provision, protection, and preservation. Taking thought on these things is what causes anxiety. He knows what we need and promises to supply it. Anxiety causes us to be distracted, distraught, and dismayed.

Upcoming posts:

 27th- THE AUTHORITY OF JESUS- James Banks

8/3rd- GOD IS MY HELPER- Arthur Jackson


The North Country Christian Fellowship Center Churches,

located in the St. Lawrence county of NY,

broadcast their Sunday services at 10 or 10:15

You can view past services too.

Sermon listing: 


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