Saturday, July 27, 2024



   James Banks- Even after Jesus had set my son Geoff free from years of substance abuse, I still had worries. We'd been through much together and my focus sometimes remained on his difficult past instead of the future God had for him.

   Parents of addicts often worry about relapse, and one day at a family gathering, I pulled Geoff aside. "Remember," I told him, "we have an adversary, and he's powerful." "I know, Dad," he responded. "He has power, but he has no authority."

   In that moment, I was reminded of Jesus' incomparable authority to rescue us from our sins and transform our lives as we look to Him. Immedieately I thought of His words to the disciples shortly before He returned to His Father in heaven: "all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go . . ." (Matt.28:18-19).

   The crucified and risen Jesus has made a way for us to come to Him no matter what our past may be. He holds both our past and our future. Because He's promised to be with us always (v. 20), we can be assured that he'll accomplish His purposes and that our lives are in His unfailing hands.

   Jesus gives us unparalleled hope, a hope so good we can't keep it to ourseves. The devil and the world may have some power for a little while, but "all authority" belongs to Jesus forever.

Let's pray-

Thank You, dear God, for calling me to You in love. Please lead me to someone I can share Your love with today. Amen."

# 47 Testimony-

"6 months ago, Nate and I noticed a difference in Addie. She seemed like she wasn’t listening to us or as a parent, what you think your child is having selective hearing. Addie's teacher during her last conference brought up that Addie was struggling in class. Mrs White said she has never had any kid come in like Addie does and want to learn. We thought maybe she had dyslexia, or something like that. 

Addie started softball this year; first time ever and she is in love with it! I was talking to a friend on the team that her daughter had seizures also and told her what Addie had going on and she said I should definitely get another opinion. 

Addie started having staring seizures starting at the age of 6. I called the neurology department that we went to from the start at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and they stated we had to talk to the neurologist that we saw about getting a second opinion for Addie. Something in my mom's gut wasn't right. I called Akron Children’s for a second opinion.

Addie had a game on June 4th and it was really hot. Addie had what we thought was heat exhaustion so we let her rest and pushed fluids as much as we could. On Friday June 7th ; Addie was leading a prayer that we have been saying for the last three months & I often said two words and then totally forgot what it was and had to go back to the paper and look at what it was.  

Saturday June 8th I sent a MyChart message to her new neurologist. We went to church and they prayed over her and we all stood in faith that she was healed. Addie came up to me and told me her body felt different and then I knew she was healed.

   On Monday morning at 8am I got a phone call telling us we needed to get Addie to Akron Children’s ASAP. I instantly called Nate to tell him he needed to come home and we have to go to Akrons. While getting everything ready, I stopped and called pastor Jason and Mel; they are always our go-to’s 💜

   We prayed and we stood strong in faith that Addie was healed. We got to Akron around 3pm on Monday. Everyone welcomed us with open arms . When your child looks at you and says “Mommy I’m not scared,” I knew we were in the right place, and with God! 

The doctors came in and advised us that she will need to be hooked up to the EEG for at least 23 hours due to NCH findings and what may be happening. The next morning Tuesday June 11th @ 8:39 am the doctor came in and said that her brain was perfect with no evidence of seizures or any damage from any prior injuries. 

The damage that was there is no longer there. The doctors told us that this was a miracle! I looked at them and had them repeat again. God healed our baby girl! The doctor still wanted us to go to a traumatic brain injury clinic to make sure the concussion that Addie had gotten hadn’t affected her at all. 

June 17 we went to the TBI clinic where they did all of their assessments and the nurse practitioner came in and did everything she needed with Addie, and said that she didn’t have any restrictions. I showed the nurse practitioner the finding that NCH had and she looked at me dumbfounded that these reports say what they say. "They told us in the textbook this doesn’t happen!" I told them with faith it does happen! 

At first I was mad and angry and kept asking myself “Why?? Why our child?? That Sunday during church I knew I had to stop asking why and ask what I need to do and how I need to pray for Addie to be healed. I will never forget that Sunday when I lifted my hands up in worship and told God I was giving it all to Him and that in Him all things were possible. I felt like someone was standing right behind me, watching over me! God’s Wonder Working Power!"

1261-1265 One-line Scriptures for those of you who want to learn some more verses this week- or to review them from when they were first posted- 
1261- Ps. 78:39a "For he remembered that they were but flesh."
1262- Ps. 38:18 "For I will declare mine iniquity: I will be sorry for my sin."
1263- Ps. 55:23b "But I will trust in thee."
1264- Job 14:15b "Thou wilt have a desire to the work of thine hands."
1265- Ps. 37:24b "For the LORD upholdeth him with his hand."

 #47  Hymn- I Am Thine, O Lord

 "I am Thine, O Lord" is one of many hymns written by Fanny Crosby, a prolific American hymn writer. The melody was composed by William Howard Doane

 Some encouraging words- from TOUCH the WORLD through PRAYER
By Wesley L. Duewel

   "If the Spirit is filling you and leading you in your praying and you are invading Satan's territory to deliver Satan's captives, the Holy Spirit is right there with you to clothe your words with Christ's authority. in prayer warfare you do not fight alone. The Holy Spirit will be upon you and pray through you. "Pray in the Spirit on all occasions" (Eph. 6:18)

Upcoming posts:

 8/3-  GOD IS MY HELPER- Arthur Jackson



The North Country Christian Fellowship Center Churches,

located in the St. Lawrence county of NY,

broadcast their Sunday services at 10 or 10:15

You can view past services too.

Sermon listing: 

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