Dr. Wesley L. Duewel- In nations where other religions have been dominant for centuries, Christ needs to prove that He is truly the living God. An individual or a family hearing the gospel for the first time might well be confused.
How are they to know which is the truth? In some ways their plight may be compared to that of persons living in Old Testament days at the time Israel had backsliddden into idolatry. When God raised up a prophet, how were the people to know that he was sent by God? (Google image, Group of people)
False prophets contradicted true prophets; false gods competed for the allegiance of the hearts of people. Jehovah often validated the true prophet or the truth he taught by means of miracle. These were basically of two kinds—miracles of knowledge (prophecy) and miracles of power.
Today Christian pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and even new believers are again facing this dilemma. When the gospel penetrates a new non-Christian area, how are the people to be made willing to listen to the message?
How can they be aided in leaving the religion of their fathers and turning to what others my consider "the foreigner's God"? Such a decision often results in open persecution for the new believers—social ostracism, loss of home and job, denial of further education, and even physical harassment and threatened death.
In these circumstances, Christ must somehow prove Himself to be the living God. As in Bible times, when pagan religions were a major influence, demonstrations of Christ's supreme presence and power are necessary before converts can be won. Your prayer has a vital role in helping Christian workers in such difficult places.
Your prayer can join with theirs for the opening of the eyes of the non-Christians to the reality of Christ. Your prayer can help bring those answers to prayer which will make the non-Christians willing to listen to the gospel and believe.
The Contest in Bible Times
In Egypt, when God's people were living in bondage to the Pharaoh, the power encounter was between the magicians and gods of Egypt on the one hand and Moses and Aaron as the representatives of Jehovah on the other. Using Moses and Aaron as His spokesmen, God sent ten overwhelming demonstrations of His power, the ten plagues, to prove that He was the only true and living God.
The Egyptian magicians countered with tricks of their own. Were these seemingly paranormal demonstrations sheer chicanery, or were they demonstrations of limited demonic power? From what we know on mission fields today, these displays may well have been demonic.
God knew that the Israelites needed tangible evidence of divine power to lead them out of the idolatry in which they had been ensnared. The plagues were followed by supernatural manifestations of God's power until Israel was settled in Canaan.
There was the miraculous parting of the Red Sea, the daily provision of manna during the forty years of wandering in the desert, the miraculous supply of water from the rock, the amazing revelation of God's power at Sinai, the visible reminders of God's presence with them in the pillar of cloud that led them by day and in the pillar of fire each night.
God condescended to meet the need of the children of Israel on their own level. He knew that they needed miracle, and He gave it to them.
Samuel, Elijah, and Elisha were validated as true prophets of God by surpernatural demonstrations of His power. Even in the time of the Old Testament kings, He did not hesitate to prove Himself the living God.
In the time of Christ, God validated His Son by the voice from heaven and, later, through miracles performed by Jesus. Jesus told His listeners that if they would not believe his words, they should at least believe because of His miracles (John 14:11). In the New Testament church Jesus continued to confirm His reality by miracles as the apostles and Paul confronted pagan religions and demonic power.
You and I may not need miraculous signs and wonders in order to believe the gospel. In our nation there has been a long history of gospel light. But the followers of other religions are in a completely different situation with which it is hard for us to identify. Christ is prepared to come to them and validate His gospel. He does not hesitate to prove to needy people that He is the only true and living God.
(Chapter 16, pp. 121-123, italics added for emphasis)"God, you called me into fellowship with your Son Jesus Christ my Lord and you are faithful. You called me to this through the gospel that I might share in the glory of my Lord Jesus Christ. You saved me and chose me for this holy work not because I deserved it but because that was Your plan long before the world began–to show Your love and kindness to me through Christ Jesus. Thank You for calling me; You are faithful to confirm Your word with signs and wonders for Your glory. I love You, my Lord God, with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my mind (intellect), and I shall love my neighbor as I do myself. Jesus, you are Lord! Amen"
Germine Copeland
Today's Bible verses-
Grace for the Imperfect
Kelly Balare- It wasn’t a major thing she did to upset me. It was many minor things over many days. For instance, I shared a joy I was thrilled about, but she changed the subject.
Today's quote-
Ernie Miller-
Nan's flower |
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