Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Be Defensive - Keep the Serpent Out!: Prayer Note #120

Dutch Sheets tells us, “Adam was told in Genesis 2:15 to guard or ‘keep’ the garden.

From what?

It had to be the serpent! I assert this because first of all, it is much in keeping with the nature of God to have warned him.

To have done otherwise would not have been consistent with God’s character.

Second, neither Adam nor Eve seemed shocked when a snake talked to them.

It evidently didn’t come as a total surprise.

Third, what else could there have been (before the Fall) to guard, keep or protect from in the garden?

Only the serpent.

I want to emphasize an important point – first mention of this term in Scripture gives us one of the primary responsibilities of the watchman: Keep the serpent out!

Guard or protect that which God has entrusted to your care from the subtle encroachment of the serpent.

Keep him out of your garden!...Your home, family, church, city, nation!…Keep him out!

The word is used again in Gen. 3:24 when God stationed a cherubim at the entrance of the garden to keep man from the tree of life.

Adam didn’t keep the serpent out so an angel had to keep man out.

[Sheets tells of ways the watchman concept is used:]

Keep or keeper: This is by far the most frequent usage of these words – at least 250 times. Watchmen keep things, places and individuals safe. The ensure against loss, theft or damage. 

They keep things intact, in possession. 

Guard: Watchmen are guards. This word is obviously similar to the next one. 

Bodyguard: Watchmen guard individuals, protecting them from danger and harm. They are shields – the secret service agents of the kingdom, guarding and protecting others. 

Watchmen represent Jesus by watching over others. 


Gatekeeper: Watchmen have the ability spiritually – in the prayer closet- to determined who or what goes in and out of their homes, their families’ lives their churches, their cities, etc. 

They discern by the Holy Spirit what to allow in, and through prayer, open and close the door. They set boundaries, keeping enemies out. 

Preserve or Preserver: Watchmen preserve or keep things from ruin and destruction. 

Pay attention: Watchmen must be on the alert. 

Observe: Don't just look - see. Be observant. 

Behold: …need for seeing clearly. 

Beware: Watchmen must be vigilant, aware, on the alert 

Protect: They build walls or boundaries of protection from the attacks of the devil. 

Maintain: Watchmen maintain things for the Lord. They are maintenance people. They maintain the anointing, integrity, health and many other necessary blessings of the kingdom

God is raising up prophetic intercessors – watchmen – to keep the serpent out!"

[Dutch refers to Peter Wagner, in his book Prayer Shield, that he offers five reasons pastors and other Christian leaders are in such great need of watchmen interceding for them.This will be our next post.]

Today’s Prayer Note #121 - Keep the Serpent Out!, taken from Dutch Sheets’ book, Intercessory Prayer (pgs. 244-248)

The next Prayer Note:
Christian Leaders Need Watchmen: #122

Prayer: Lord, I am tired of trying to live life in my own power. I come to You as the Potter. I am the clay. Right now, I give up and surrender my life completely to You. I choose Your plan over mine. I give You permission to mold me and make me what You want me to be. I will wait before You and seek Your direction. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Our Scripture for today: Jeremiah 15:16 "Thy Words were found and I did eat them: and Thy Word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart; for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts."

Today’s quote: 

“Help us not to cloud God’s glory
Nor with self His light to dim;
May each thought to Christ be captive.
Emptied to be filled with Him. – Anon.

Let the brilliance of the treasure of Christ
Shine through you as you live for Him.”

Our thought for today: You can bring a real message of Jesus, by sharing your experience.

Tomorrow’s post: What Kind of Chocolates Are in Your Box? Darlene Lund


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