Friday, May 10, 2013

Are You Having a Good Life?

What's your goal?
Barbara Duram asks herself, "Have I been a success? Have I had a good life? 

I must be getting older because that’s what I have been asking myself recently.

I began to think about my life. 

Growing up, my family never had a lot of money, but we always had enough. 

We didn’t have much, but we didn’t go hungry. Both my parents worked practically my whole life, but in my mind, we never had a lot. 

When I married, as a young couple, we never had enough money for everything. We scrimped to make our money last until the next payday. 

 We bought a house, tried to keep it up … tried to give our family the best we could.

Now as I look back on my life, I realize that God’s plans to prosper me have always been true. 

I’ve never had a lot, but I’ve always had all I needed. I have succeeded. I have achieved economic success. I am strong and I flourish in this life of mine because of Him. 

As Jesus traveled with his disciples, they never had a lot of money for food. They didn’t have expensive clothes or chariots to take them on their journeys. 


These men walked everywhere they went. 

They didn’t have much, but they never lacked for anything. 

They trusted and God took care of them. He prospered them.

Do you know God’s plans for you? Believe that His plans give you hope and a future and be willing to let Him lead you to success. You may not have a lot of wealth, but you will have all you will ever need."

"Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you." Job 22:21

Are You Having A Good Life? – Barbara Duram
April 23, 2013

Photo courtesy of

Barbara Duram is a retired Human Resources Assistant and grandmother. 

She has served in various women’s fellowship positions at church including circle chairman and retreat chairman.

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Used by permission

Let’s pray:
Father, I come to You, asking for grace to see that You have been providing my needs. I know there have also been times Yo
u've also provided some wants, too. Help me to be grateful, and may I have a better attitude towards You, and how things go. Thank You. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Today’ Scripture for when things look "blue": Isaiah 40

Today’s quote - Dale Carnegie - “You have it easily in your power to increase the sum total of this world’s happiness now. How? By giving a few words of sincere appreciation to someone who is lonely.




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