Jill Savage shares with us, "I’m an internal processor.
That means I think about a lot of things that I never talk about.
It’s how I’m wired and works well for me when I’m operating as an individual.
However, it proves to be a challenge in my marriage.
I will often notice something that my husband does and I’ll think,'Wow, that’s nice. Mark folded that load of laundry in the dryer.'
However, I’ll completely miss expressing appreciation to him. I think it and forget to say it.
Sometimes he’s not around when I notice something. Sometimes, I’m focused on something else and don’t stop and make the effort.
Regardless of my rationale for missing the opportunity to affirm, it happens and I’m not okay with it.
But I’m changing that.
I’m learning to let the affirming and appreciative thoughts in my head leak out of my mouth.
Too often positive words in marriage are thought, but not expressed.
Honestly, positive words aren’t even thought about often enough in most marriages.
What does your spouse do everyday that you haven’t thanked him or her for? What extra effort has he or she made that you need to thank him or her for?
What affirming words have you thought, but not expressed.
Do. It. Now.
Your spouse needs to hear your positive words."
Jill Savage
Posted: 20 May 2013 04:00 AM PDT
[Google images added]
Let’s pray: “Lord, help me figure out my own pace and live in congruence with the way You wired me. Help me not compare myself in a negative way to others because of the pace I prefer to live life. Also, help me not be frustrated with those in my world when they run at the pace You created them to live their lives. Give us a spirit of appreciation and co-operation.” Pam Farrel
Today’s Bible verse: Ps. 51:6 "Behold, thou desireth truth in the inward parts:and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom."
Today’s quote: Stormie Omartian “The past should not be a place where we live, but something from which we learn.”
Our thought today: Do you speak respectfully to each other?
Tomorrow’s post: #5 How is This an Analogy for Intercession? C. Peter Wagner
Today's Church Chuckle: "Our pastor will be attending a weekend seminar on mental illnesses. Please pray for his sane return' " [From book by Ellen P. Blooming/Paul Seaburn]
A popular post: Prayer Can Change a Marriage
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