Saturday, August 3, 2013

Mysterious Ways: The Great Morel Hunter

Donna Dilley Hacecky:

"Dad was a rural mail carrier for 52 years, but he loved it too much to call it his job.

His 'office' was the natural world, and he never tired of admiring the flowers, trees and sky along his route.

 'God’s handiwork,' he’d say. Outdoors he could also scout the best places for mushrooms.

Morel mushroom hunting was a family tradition. 

I remember Mom and Dad taking us kids to a special spot in the woods one May day when I was seven. 

'First one to find a morel wins the prize,' Dad said. He winked at me, the youngest, for luck.

I picked through the grass, eyes roaming. I studied tree trunks and looked behind rocks. 

'Psst!' Dad beckoned me over and pointed beside a fallen tree. A cluster of morels sat at my feet. 

 'I found one!' I yelled, pointing to it in triumph. Dad never let on he’d helped.

May still meant mushroom hunting, even after we grew up. We hunted together and soaked our finds in saltwater over night. 

Nothing compared to that first bite of morel dipped in egg batter, covered in soda cracker crumbs and fried in butter. It tasted like spring.

After Dad died it was hard to imagine him no longer part of the natural world that he loved so much. 

The first May without him was tough. Mom and I went to visit his grave together. 

Something was sitting on top.

In the center of Dad’s grave, several miles from any woods, grew a perfect morel mushroom. 


God’s handiwork, indeed.

May was a tough month without Dad. Until I received evidence of God's love..."

Mysterious Ways: The Great Morel Hunter Donna Dilley Hacecky Lakeview, Arkansas WEB EXCLUSIVE

[Used by permission]

Let’s pray: 
Father, open our eyes to Your miraculous acts all around us! We are in need of reassurances of Your watchful Eye on us, too. We thank You for Your constant care for us, and for our loved ones. Bring us into more happenings where we'll see Your handiwork. We pray in Jesus' Name, amen. 

Today’s Bible verse: 2 Sam. 5:24 "But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream."

Today’s quote: Michael Brooks – “Sometimes we all get lost in the day to day business of life. Occasionally, when we lose our sense of direction, we have to rise above all problems, stress and activity for a heavenly vision - where we're headed. Makes sure what will happen now much less significant when viewed from an eternal perspective. Have you been guilty of losing your perspective? I know I have from time to time.”

Our thoughts today: Some notes Jean took from a message on Sunday, by Bill Hull: When we allow God to clean up our sin messes, we have victory. We only tend to make a mess of things when we try to clean ourselves up from sin.  

When the enemy hurts us, lies come with it. God's light breaks the curse of the lies. We need to know what God's incredible opinion of us is.

Sunday’s post:  THAT'S JESUS!  Dave Branon

A popular post:   Lavish Grace  Max Lucado tells us, Jesus got us out of the mess we’re in and restored us to where He always wanted us to be.


Samples of Jean's crafts  & craft order blanks

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