Tuesday, January 28, 2014

#57 How Moody Learned the Lesson

C. Peter Wagner shares with us from his book, PRAYER SHIELD:

"Through intercessors, Dwight L. Moody narrowly avoided the trap of spiritual arrogance and blossomed into the influential giant of the faith as we now know him.

Moody was already a popular preacher. Even Abraham Lincoln had made a point of visiting Moody's Sunday School in Chicago.

But something was lacking, namely a yielding to the full power of the Holy Spirit.

I am indebted to Mark Bubeck who tells the story of how it happened, in his excellent book Overcoming the Adversary.

After one of Moody's meetings two ladies approached him and said, 'Mr. Moody, we have been praying for you.' Reflecting some apparent spiritual arrogance, Moody replied rather abruptly, 'Why don't you pray for the people?'

The ladies said quietly, 'Because you need the power of the Holy Spirit.'

Somewhat taken aback, Moody could only respond, 'I need the power?' The thought was rather preposterous to a spiritual leader who had been visited by the President of the united States.

But the women had heard the Lord well. they customarily sat in the front row of his meetings, deep in prayer as he preached.

At first he was annoyed, but gradually God softened his heart and he began to encourage not only their prayers, but the formation of prayer groups to beseech God that he would be endued with power.

Then one day in New York City, Moody had such an experience of the filling with the Holy Spirit that he admitted he was never able to describe it in words.

One of his biographers says, 'God seems to have answered in a mighty way the prayers of these two women, for at this time his life changed considerably from that of a young, somewhat cocky and proud preacher, to a humble, soft and mellow-hearted preacher.'

When Moody's spiritual arrogance diminished, the power of God through faithful intercessors was released in his life and ministry."

Let’s pray:

   Father, when we think of our leaders, may we hold them up in prayer.

   I know it is for their own good, as well as ours, that they be filled with the Holy Spirit.

   May they experience what Moody experienced, so they will be humble, soft and mellow-hearted preachers, too.

   I understand that Your Holy Spirit will move on and in each of our leaders, because we pray for them. So I ask that You draw them closer to Yourself as they pray and read Your Word.

   In the Holy Name of Jesus, Your Son, I pray. Amen.

Today’s prayer for pastors: Time with God. “Lord, let nothing hinder my pastor’s time with you. Protect my pastor from the distractions of busyness, unnecessary demands, fatigue, over commitment, compromise, and doubt. Bless____________with rich study time, and give him/her opportunities, desire, and places to seek You in prayer, both alone and with others. Act 6:2-4; Matt. 26:41; 2 Tim. 2:15; Mk. 1:35; Acts 1:14  Terry Teykl

Today’s Bible verse:1 Chron. 12:18b "For thy God helpeth thee."

Today’s quotes: Our Daily Bread – “Salvation is the miracle of a moment; growth is the labor of a lifetime.”

- John Hagee – “If you want to get over a problem, stop talking about it. Your mind affects your mouth, and your mouth affects your mind.”

Some thoughts today: You can get saved, but there'll come a time for complete surrender, in order to do all God's will for you.

- We sometimes pray without faith. Not much can be done. We need to focus on Jesus to see the direction He is moving in. That will be where our expectation is. 

- God is at work in spite of what happens. We are to minister to those who're having difficulties, and allow God to do His work in them, as He wills.

30th- Thursday’s post:  #58  Undue Humility  C. Peter Wagner

2/1 Saturday's post: A Husband Needs a Wife  Elaine W. Miller 

2nd- Sunday's post:  I Feel Your Pain  Mary Southerland
    Sunday evening's post:  Why I am a Christian  Jean Oathout

A popular post:  Release the Light: Prayer Note #87   Dutch 
Sheets "We are soldiers of the light. We must boldly release 
the power of the Most High into situations, allowing the victory
of Christ access.

A creative idea, don't you think?

Used So You Plan to Marry a Man
As long as supply lasts. It is out of print.
Price $5.98 (This is the only time I'll give
this link.)

My book with new name and cover:

Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse 
Kindle $2.99

My book in paperback  Price $9.45

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