When that happens, shock and pain can make us wonder, Does God really care about me?
First of all, Scripture tells us, "God is love" 1 John 4:8), which means His very nature is characterized by compassion and concern.
Love originated with the Lord, and He is our greatest example of how to express it.
This truth, combined with His holiness, means His love is perfect—He'll never make a mistake in the way He loves us.
Second, we know God loves us because He calls us His children.
"To those who believe in his name, he gave the right to become children of God," writes John in his gospel 1:12 NIV.
Sadly, some people don't have a mother or father who shows them love.
But God is the perfect parent. It would go against His character to treat His children with anything less than unconditional love.
Finally, the Lord gave the supreme demonstration of His love at the cross.
We were all dead in our sins, but Christ went to the greatest lengths possible to give us life:
He came to earth as an expression of His Father's infinite love, and in giving His life on our behalf, did what no one else was able to do.
After considering these facts about God's love, how could we not expect Him to take care of even the smallest details of our life?
Look for ways He is expressing His love to you, and remember
Jesus' own words on the subject: "Greater love has no one that
this, that one lay down his life for his friends" John 15:13.
Jesus' own words on the subject: "Greater love has no one that
this, that one lay down his life for his friends" John 15:13.
This was taken from Dr. Charles Stanley's In Touch magazine for Oct. 2013, page 50
(Used with permission by customercare@intouch.org)
Let’s pray:
Father, after considering these facts about Your love, how could we not expect You to take care of even the smallest details of our lives?
May we understand that You are our Perfect Parent.
We ask that Your love so fill us, that there will be no doubt in our hearts, that You do love us unconditionally.
This we ask in Jesus' Name. Amen
May we understand that You are our Perfect Parent.
We ask that Your love so fill us, that there will be no doubt in our hearts, that You do love us unconditionally.
This we ask in Jesus' Name. Amen
Today’s Bible verse: 1 Chron. 19:13 "Be of good courage, and let us behave ourselves valiantly for our people, and for the cities of our God; and let the LORD do that which is good in his sight."
Today’s quote: Mary
Southerland –
“What storm is raging in your life today? What step do you need to take in
order to experience His strength for that storm? Your Father stands ready to
meet you in your darkest hour. He longs to wrap His arms around you until the
winds die down and the waves are stilled. Right now – surrender. Yield to His
presence and power. Celebrate the storm that dashed your battered life on the
shores of His unyielding love.”
Some thoughts today: We're not called to try to fix someone. We're to encourage them and see the value in them. We're to look for the "gold" in others and attempt to mine them.
- Ask, "How can I serve you in building you up?"
- When we focus on someone's flaws, we'll not be able to receive the message for them from the Lord. (So true!)
14th- Tuesday’s post: #53 What Committed, Faithful Intercession Brings C. Peter Wagner
16th- Thursday's post: #54 Intercession is Not Thought Of C. Peter Wagner
18th- Saturday's post: God Stands In the Gap Ellen Romig
19th- Sunday's post: Hope for Skeptics Randy Kilgore
A popular post: Don’t Worry…Relax "Meanwhile, God tells me to rest, relax, trust Him, seek His Kingdom. I am no longer under the curse of the first Adam, but the abundance of the last Adam.
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