Sunday, January 26, 2014

God is in the Crisis

Max Lucado Do you recite your woes more naturally than you do heaven’s strength? 

No wonder life’s tough. You’re assuming God isn’t in this crisis.

Isabel spent her first three and a half years in a Nicaraguan orphanage. 

As with all orphans, her odds of adoption diminished with time. And then the door slammed on her finger! 

Why would God permit this innocent girl to feel even more pain? 

Might He be calling the attention of Ryan Schnoke sitting in the playroom nearby? He and his wife had been trying to adopt a child for months! 

Ryan walked over, picked her up, and comforted her. 

Several months later, Ryan and Christina were close to giving up, and Ryan remembered Isabel. 

Little Isabel is now growing up in a happy, healthy home.

A finger in the door? God doesn’t manufacture pain, but He certainly puts it to use!  Your crisis?  You’ll get through this!"

God is in the Crisis  by Max Lucado

From You’ll Get Through This  

Listen to UpWords with Max Lucado at

(Used by permission)


I am refreshed, dear Jesus,
By the little things You do.
You speak to me in different ways
But I always know it's You.

Today I heard a serenade
When I awoke at dawn,
And I still felt Your presence
After the songbirds had gone.

You often send me rainbows
When sun reflects on glass.
In troubling times, they speak to me,
"This too, my child, shall pass."

Sometimes a word pops off the page
While I'm spending time with  You.
Your Word shines light upon my path,
Confirms what I'm to do.

You always know what's best for me;
I trust Your perfect plan.
I'm blessed that You're my Sovereign Guide,
The Awesome, Great I AM.

by Frances Gregory Pasch

Double Vision: Seeing God in Everyday Life Through 
Devotions and Poetry by Frances Gregory Pasch 
published by Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. 
(Pg. 84)
Used by permission

Let’s pray:

   Father, we're coming to you for Your help and guidance, as we understand our need today.

   Please help us see You in our lives, and in the lives of those we know, that You are busy working things for our good.

  Forgive us for questioning You, and guide us in our ability to seek after You for all our concerns.

   Thank You for making Your will plain to us as we come to You for help. May our wills line up with Yours for us. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

Today’s Bible verse: Jer. 10:10a "But the LORD is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king."

Today’s quote: Mary Southerland – “My book, Hope in the Midst of Depression, is my story of desperation, brokenness and restoration. It is also the story of God’s power to help you overcome depression in your own life, and offers practical ways you can help someone you love deal with depression. Check iout.”  

Some thoughts today: Whatever you need, ask in Jesus' Name, to His glory.

- As strife is the most dangerous thing in our lives, do what you 
can to alleviate it, starting at home.

- James 14:1-3 tells us what our problem is...

26th- Sunday evening's post:  Grace and Peace  Apostle Peter

28th- Tuesday's post:  #57  How Moody Learned the Lesson  C. Peter Wagner

30th- Thursday’s post:  #58  Undue Humility  C. Peter Wagner

Feb. 1st- Saturday's post:  Husbands Need a Wife  Elaine W. Miller

A popular post:  The Necessities of Life  Jesus tells us to ask, then promises to give us the basics we need to survive.

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takes great effort to make such
beauty. He will take time to help you!

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 Wisdom for Brides (Christian Marriage, Counseling, & Help) (Volume 1)

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