Sunday, January 5, 2014

Judgmental Opinions

Jean Oathout shares with us an important
 lesson she is learning. 

I found out that my personal opinion isn't worth much to others, when it is given in a judgmental attitude.

What I've accepted over the years to be my own "standard" isn't necessarily what God expects others to have.

He doesn't expect me to try to "fix" others with my words, but to pray for them to hear from God.

If there's a change that I feel needs to be made, or some help in a situation, I should pray first and ask if God wants to use me to bring this message. 

Have you ever noticed that what we think comes out through our mouths eventually, if we don't think better of it? James 1:19 (be slow to speak).

It can bring some hurt, divisions, heartaches, and disappointments. It will appear to be complaining, fault finding, and unnecessary. 

What I see is that God does not want us to speak so freely of what we think, when it comes to His children. He tends to be very protective, as you would your own children.

There will be times to not say something, when we've formed our opinion of what others have chosen to do.

There are those who are in authority in their lives who have that responsibility. We may not.

Even in our everyday living, we need to watch what we think and say about whatever is going on, as a lot of times we're just complaining

I believe the Bible exhorts us to be "few of words." Are we beginning to see the connection?

It may cause folks to see us in a light not very complimentary: one who judges

The Bible does tell us not to judge, right? It plainly says we'll then be judged! Wow! That command is becoming more and more plain, isn't it? see Romans 2:1

What if what we're thinking is going to be detrimental to someone's faith?

Will it also cause them to be hurt if we speak our opinion, when it's none of our business, and we weren't asked?

Knowing what to say, how to say it, and when it's okay to speak, is something the Lord wants to teach all of us.

God's desire is to form us into His image, remember. 

He will keep after us in our learning process, and if we're teachable, we'll learn it fairly quickly. If not, He will bring the lessons over and over until "we get it".

God may even orchestrate timely interruptions, such as a phone call, to prevent us from speaking up.

There have been many times another person has interrupted me over the years, with their thoughts. 

Could it be that God was not pleased with what I was saying, and had moved on them to interrupt at that particular time?

Has that ever happened to you?

Now, I realized it was a good thing, as I wasn't then able to give my judgmental opinion!

When we are open to changing our habits that displease God, He will faithfully deal with us until we understand what it is we are doing that dishonors Him.

Christ would have us learn to be like Him, and be teachable. 

I hope you are, and that you'll learn quickly how to curb your own judgmental opinions.

Judgmental Opinions by Jean Oathout

(This morning, (1/1) as I was preparing to answer someone's email, I caught myself typing a personal opinion! I deleted it, and was greatly relieved, as it was none of my business, and I hadn't been asked for my thought about it. 

I immediately prayed for their situation! I think this is what the Father wants us to do, don't you? I see hope for God's working in 2014, to bring changes in us!)

Let’s pray:

   Father, it is evident that we have all been guilty of doing what is spoken here.

   We want to confess our taking part of judging others with our opinions, that we see now are hurtful if spoken. 

   The results are not good for the person we're judging, and not good for us, either as a result.

   Forgive us, we pray, and help us by checking us when we start to say or email something we shouldn't.

   In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Today’s Bible verse:  2 Chron. 6:30a "Then hear thou from heaven thy dwelling place, and forgive."

Today’s quote: Our Daily Bread

“O to be like Thee, O to be like Thee,
Blessed Redeemer; pure as Thou art!
Come in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullness;
Stamp Thine own image deep on my heart.” Chisholm

Some thoughts today: Confessing sin is agreeing with God. We are called to be submissive for our welfare. We're to shut the door to temptations. 

- Our bodies are to be living sacrifices to God. Jesus was submissive to Him, and gave His body as a sacrifice for us, dear friend. How can we do less for Him?

-Thankfulness is the key to be used to come against depression.

Oh, to be childlike in our faith!

7th- Tuesday’s post:  #51  Personal Intercession is Biblical  C. Peter Wagner

9th- Thursday's post:  #52  Personal Intercession is Underutilized  C. Peter Wagner

11th- Saturday's post:  Warning!  Tammie Johnson

12th- Sunday's post:  Does God Love Me?  Dr. Charles Stanley

A popular post:   Love Covers a Multitude of Sins  Lynn Karlsen "When someone we love is involved, we see things a little differently and extend a measure of grace not normally shared."

Jean's blog (save for another time)
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