Tuesday, April 1, 2014

#71 Results of a Poor Choice

C. Peter Wagner continues to 
explain about personal intercession:

"Because I teach personal intercession in my Doctor of ministry seminars, many of my students become motivated to seek personal intercession.

Then they return to their churches they have functioning teams of prayer partners within weeks, at times even within days, where God had obviously already been preparing the way for them.

The overwhelming majority of reports I get back are positive and enthusiastic. But not all.

One of the pastors, who has an especially analytical mind, not only had a bad experience, but he turned it into a term paper for my advanced seminar.

This pastor from the Midwest writes under the pen name of Paul A. Freedman. He has enough personal stability and a high enough level of self-esteem not to be devastated by his negative experience.

He thinks positively, learns from his setbacks, and moves forward aggressively on the basis of what he learns.

No wonder his church is a growing church.

He did and still does believe 'intercessory prayer is one of the most important elements of successful ministry today.'

He said that since he first heard about personal prayer partners in my seminar, 'I have come to greatly appreciate and rely upon the ministry of 1-1 intercessors.'

Paul Freedman's story illustrates what can happen when the wrong people get into the crucial position of an 1-1 intercessor, and then what can happen when the right people are there.

Paul had begun to look for an 1-1 intercessor, and his church had another crucial need at the time. He had given high priority to leading a strong prayer ministry in his church, but as the church continued to grow he found he could give less and less time to it.

This caused great frustration. It was obvious that the entire prayer ministry needed to be updated and reorganized.

Freedman says that he was happy and relieved when 'a dearly loved and well- respected member of the church approached me to tell me that she had been praying specifically for me on a daily basis, and that she saw a great need to reorganize the prayer ministry of our church.'

So Paul saw this as meeting both needs. He invited her to become an 1-1 intercessor for him and also to take charge of the church's prayer ministry."

[Unfortunately, this choice turned out to be trouble for him and the church. Her influence on other intercessors was detrimental to his ministry. He found out that she differed in her theological opinions, and prayed for his change.

Paul had some very trying experiences, both in preaching and in counseling, so he and his wife went away for a month to seek new objectives and renewed relationship to God.

God knew all about what was going on, so while they were away, the woman and her family left the church, citing theological differences as the reason.]

#71  Results of a Poor Choice,  in the 
series taken from C. Peter Wagner’s 
book, PRAYER SHIELDHow to 
intercede for pastors, Christian leaders 
and others on the spiritual frontlines.
(pp. 140 - 143) by Regal Books

Let’s pray-

   Father, our prayer today is for faithful, respectful personal prayer partners for our church leaders.
   It grieves us to think that there may be those who pose as faithful and supportive persons in our churches, who actually try to make serious changes by subversive actions.
   We desire only faithful, supportive persons praying for and with our leaders! Give them discernment Father, to choose their prayer partners wisely, and with Your guidance.
   In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

Today’s Bible verse: Is. 41:31a "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God.

Today’s quote: Sharon Jaynes – “When God extends His invitation to join Him in the divine dance of obedience, the time to accept is at that very moment. We have about ten to thirty seconds before common sense talks us out of obeying God’s promptings. The time to act is as soon as you sense the Spirit calling you to move.”

Some thoughts today: Are you going to contend for the promise God's given you? If you're not actively contending, you're missing out on something. The Christian life is an active participation of faith.

- God gives us opportunities to trust Him!

- If you want to see the glory of God, contend for it!

3rd- Thursday’s post:  #72  Replacing the False Intercessors        C. Peter Wagner

5th- Saturday's post:  Looking...Fixing...Focusing  Morna Gilbert

6th- Sunday's post:  Tears to Joy  Tammie Johnson

8th- Tuesday's post:  #73  Recruiting Short-Term Pray-ers         C. Peter Wagner

A popular post:    Dealing with Adversity   Lillian Duncan - "God never stops loving us. He is the source of every mercy. When you find life piling up, you can choose, like me, to follow these steps and draw your spiritual journey closer to Christ. He stands waiting for you to come."
Looks good!

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